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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah… Because Trump has such a good track record of maintaining nuclear deals. This is just a pretense to allow Israel to invade Iran once they’ve finished their genocide in Gaza.

    The whole reason Israel felt comfortable enough to commit to purging Gaza is because Trump ended the original nuclear deal to begin with. Now that Benni feels things are wrapping up in Palestine, he’s going to need another war to keep Israel’s bloodlust going and keep his coalition together.

    International law no longer holds any water. Every world power seems hell bent on making geopolitics revolve around hard power. The US backs out of treaties every four years, the Russians haven’t ever made a deal they didn’t pretend never happened, and China is out there pretending a vast swath of the Pacific is there’s because of reasons…

    In a time where a level of global cooperation is needed greater than ever before to prevent climate change, we as a species are shitting the bed harder than ever before.

  • The banks are still loaning him money for sure, but at a certain point that’s not exactly a good thing for musk. The stock price is what the banks are using as collateral, and with these types of loans the banks have the ability to collect on the loans if the stock devalues past a certain point.

    Musk is only the richest man in the world on paper, and that’s because Tesla stock is overpriced by several orders of magnitude. If Tesla stock receives a reasonable correction, there’s a very good chance that it’s going to have a cascading effect on his other forms of collateral.

    He and other “billionaires” are a lot like people juggling too many loans using their homes as collateral. And like them if the housing market (economy) collapses they are going to be in really poor positions. It’s really just gambling and betting numbers always goes up, just so you don’t ever have to pay taxes.

  • I’m saying they don’t justify sanctions on the region, and that we’ve seen far worse.

    Ahh, so the goal post has been moved… Your initial claim was that it was all propaganda, now it’s that the abuse doesn’t justify sanctions.

    As I originally claimed, those who deny the abuse only do so utilizing logical fallacy. Glad we ironed that out.

    2014 Chinese government reaction to be proportionate and reasonable, and that their investment in the last 5 years especially commendable.

    Again, another goal post moved. Now you do not deny the abuse, you just think it’s validated.

    You are not arguing in good faith, it’s always the same bullshit.

    Well, judging by you prior post I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m guessing your not even from Canada considering you penchant for Russian nationalism. Your English has improved in the last four months though, so you got that going for you.

    Btw, just a tip. Refrain from utilizing the same negative descriptors E.G demonic, pig, nazi. It’s a pretty dead giveaway that you’re utilizing a second language.

    I’m not a nationalist, I don’t support America’s foreign policy, nor can you change my opinion about other nations foreign policy. Plus, I’m pretty sure we’re far enough down the thread where no one else is really looking, so you can drop the act if you wish too.

    I’m mainly just curious, what region are you from? And do you actually make a living posting on here, or are you just doing this out of boredom?

  • wouldn’t say native Americans have done as well as Uyghur, or received as much investment and job creation.

    First of all, I think you are ignoring the actual abuse of human rights that occurred. Secondly, you haven’t established that the Uyghur have received any actual benefit, you’ve just given statistics about the region, which they are no longer the majority ethnic group. I’ve already established that Han immigrants are the main benefactors of the government’s investment in the region. Lastly utilizing job creation is not a metric for determining human rights abuse. Technically more natives have “employment” as we typically define it today, because there weren’t jobs before. That doesn’t mean the abuse is valid.

    I would say that giving them all US land ownership is not an option to undo injustice

    And no one made that claim… I was using it as an example of how illogical your claim was.

  • Addressing your editorializing.

    appreciate the distant history is imperfect, but there are so many worse “progroms” and minority dominance stories in history

    Distant history? All of this is modern history… The vast majority nof the immigration to the region happened in the 00’s.

    Just because there are worse examples of government sanctioned abuse towards minorities, does not mean we should defend or deny any kind of abuse. Should we not condemn the genocide in Gaza because at one point the Israeli experienced a greater genocide? What is the logic of this way of thinking?

    this as yet another politicization of history for warmongering ammunition,

    This is just history…attempting to rewrite or cover up historical events is the politicization of history.

    the goal with zero consideration for peace and prosperity and contentment achieved by recent approach.

    By this logic the genocide and assimilation of the native American population is entirely valid.

    Your edit may be the most ethically devoid statement I’ve ever seen on this site. I think you really need to examine your moral compass.

  • You will call Chinese propaganda on this too, but plenty of youtube tourism

    As I already said, the government has made massive efforts to assimilate the region and have pushed the majority native population away from major cities which are now being used for tourism.

    YouTube tourist are not journalist, they are not members of international rights groups. They are still highly restrictive of travel to areas where the vast majority of where the native Uyghur populations were relocated to.

    showing vibrant and prosperous region with luxury maintained Mosques.

    Because that’s what is traditionally important to cultural and religious heritage … luxury?

    If Israel rebuilds the Great Mosque of Gaza and turns it into a “luxury Mosque” as a tourist attraction…would that be okay?

    Note also that their success is despite the lying based demonism of sanctions on the region.

    Again…you have failed to establish that the accusations are lies. You have yet to make any kind of rebuttal that addresses any of the evidence I’ve posted.

    I don’t get how you can have such nationalist views of a country you have never been to, nor know any of the modern history.

    Are you claiming that all ethnic prejudice in East Asia is propaganda, or just this particular case? I really don’t understand how you can be so uncritical of the ethnic abuse in one country but not another.

    If I was really just propagandizing for the west, wouldn’t I be making excuses or trying to downplay the genocide occurring in Gaza? Please, just stop engaging in partisanship and use some critical thinking skills.

  • is there a news page that does NOT contain American politics?

    I get the sentiment, but politics and news are irrefutably intertwined.

    I feel for the victims, but only Americans can do something about it. And they never dealt with the “death penalty for walking on the street while black” problem.

    I would argue this is a lot like people in France questioning why they should pay attention to Nazis invading Poland. Nearly all democratic nations are currently being subversively attacked by right winged political parties .

    If people in your nation don’t learn from the US’s example, right winged parties will continue to grow in power.

  • population growth (2010-2020) 4th highest province: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_administrative_divisions_by_population#/media/File:Annual_population_growth_rate_by_Chinese_province.svg

    This is measuring overall population change, not specific to the ethnic group we are talking about. The CCP has been subsidizing Han immigration into the area and displacing the native population.

    gdp growth 2024, 2nd highest: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1179690/china-gross-domestic-product-gdp-growth-by-region-province/#%3A~%3Atext=GDP+growth+in+China+2024%2C+by+region&text=In+2024%2C+the+annual+real%2Cat+5.0+percent+in+2024.

    Again, the government has been increasing spending in the region to entice Han citizens to move to the area. This does not say anything about the native population.

    “Xinjiang is a vast region with an area of 1.66 million km2. Until the 1950s, Uyghurs were the majority ethnic group in the region, accounting for more than 90 percent of the total population.”

    “Between the 1940s and the 1980s, attempts to incorporate the region into the modern Chinese national state brought about a 2,500 per cent increase in the Han population. Today, Han and Uyghurs each account for approximately 40 per cent of Xinjiang’s total population of roughly 25.5 million. Clearly, the basic trajectory over the past decades has been one of moving Han rapidly into the region. This is coupled in more recent years with a significant shrinking of the Uyghur population.”

    “The Han population in the region increased at an average rate of 8.1 per cent yearly, from 5 per cent in 1947 to around 40 per cent in 2000. Officially, Uyghurs comprise about 45 percent of Xinjiang’s permanent population with Han representing approximately 42 percent, and Kazakh, Hui and other ethnicities making up the rest. However, these figures belie the very high number of long-term resident and temporary Han migrant workers as well as thousands of security personnel in Xinjiang. They also obscure data from the 2020 Chinese Statistical Yearbook, showing that between 2017 and 2019 the birth rate in Xinjiang dropped approximately 48.7 per cent, from 15.88 per thousand in 2017 to 8.14 per thousand in 2019. The average for all of China was 10.48 per thousand.”

    “The capital of the province itself went from being a city in which there were hardly any Han Chinese before 1949 to one in which the Uyghurs have been almost completely displaced. In addition, across Xinjiang, urban redesign projects have demolished hundreds of thousands of homes and resettled millions of Uyghur residents on the pretext of ‘civilization’ (文明) and ‘beautification’ (美化).”

    “Since the mid-1990s, the gradual exclusion of Uyghurs from state-based employment – and the rising number of private jobs – is statistically verifiable from a variety of sources. While Han Chinese were able to secure employment, Uyghurs were kept out of construction jobs, road-building projects and oil and gas pipelines. Uyghurs with graduate degrees were only employed at an estimated 15 per cent, and, according to a 2013 study, Uyghurs earned an average of 59 per cent of what their Han counterparts earned.”

    Source from Minority Rights Group

    Your claim of greater context seems to be lacking any kind of context at all. It’s pretty clear you have no real knowledge of the history of ethnic conflict in Asia at all, nor do you seem to be able to differentiate between the demographics of a region from the demographics of the ethnic minority in the region.

    Like I said, I do admire a lot about China’s government and their ability to lift a huge population out of poverty. However, they are currently undergoing a conservative culture revisionism when it comes to things like minority and women’s rights. If you want to examine the problem yourself I’d suggest looking at the rapid decline of representation of both women and minorities in both local governments and the politburo compared to even 20 years ago.

    Again, I don’t think you really know much about the region, or just how pivotal ethnic conflict is to the modern identity of China.

  • secret papers can’t be hard proof.

    According to…? If you read the article the leaks were cross referenced and verified using things like time, date, other communications and even individual signatures.

    Internal documents are some of the most sought after forms of evidence when examining crimes against humanity. One of the reasons the Holocaust is beyond doubt is because the Nazi had so many “secret” documents.

    the risk of whataboutism, you have Israel engaged in genocidal mass murder on video.

    Yes, and one of the reasons why is because foreign journalist have access to the region. One wonders why China have levied so many access restrictions to Xinjiang.

    Politics of shit talking China is far more important than any objective principle of oppression.

    Sounds like a projection to me. I would say you care more about defending any type of criticism more than oppression that is happening.

    There is genuine context/exaggeration to all of these points.

    Such as?

    Demographics and income specifically show Xinxiang doing better than average in China.

    Would you care to extrapolate on this, or should I just take your claims as fact?