Ok boys let’s:
- rename Ukraine Israel and give this suitless guy money and guns.
- And I guess that means the og israel is renamed Ukraine and has to fight Russians.
- Step three profit?
- World peace?
Thats NCD territory right there
This comment is batshit insane. I’m for it.
Just doing my part.
Where is Saddam Hussein in this map?
Oh shit. I knew I was forgetting something.
Hahaha this is gold. Thanks for sharing, made me day.
After a brief search, this appears to be true. With the caveat the ultimate source seems to be Zelensky himself. The articles I surveyed all referenced interviews and speeches of Zelensky.
Honestly, the only part I wouldn’t trust is the idea the men willingly joined instead of being drafted. I’m pretty sure most Eastern European men can trace their family back to fighting Nazis, except for the ones who were Nazis.
If you had a pulse time to be in the war effort in some capacity.
Thank you. Everyone here automatically assuming it’s true, because they want it to be, as usual.
So, may well be fact, take with a grain of salt.
This should be more common knowledge. Why am I just learning about this?
All the talk about “Putin fighting Nazis”. It would have been nice to be able to say, “actually bruh” for years now.
Thank you for this post. I am so mad at myself for not knowing this already.
.ml tankies: “UkRAInE iS StILl a bUnCh oF NaZIs, rusSSia dID NoThIng WRonG”
Yeah… What they tend to leave out is that anywhere from 100-250k people in Ukraine fought with the Nazi, while anywhere from 6-7 million Ukrainians fought against them, and had some of the hardest fighting on the eastern front.
Damn, I’m just constantly impressed at how good of a leader and person this dude is.
Liked him ever since I saw him play the piano with his wang on John Oliver.
So that’s why they hate him
That and he refused to be a patsy for trump’s pack-of-Biden-lies for which he was impeached the first time.