Also transgenic, not transgender.
they are going to ban transatlantic flights next.
Then they come for the trans-portation, and trans-ition of power.
Try to find a transistor radio in the White House. You can’t.
And trans-fats
This is so stupid, it’d be hard to make up. Confusing transgenic with transgender. Holy shit. But probably par for the course for the guy who has trouble differentiating mental asylums and political asylum
Republicans can’t read. This was about “transgenic” mice, not “transgender”. Looks like three-syllable-words are to hard for the conservative brain.
deleted by creator
The vast majority of “hormone blockers” are prescribed for non-gender affirming care. It’s used across medicine for a plethora of things like moderating growth plate fusion in pediatric orthopedics, or slowing down breast cancer.
This is why it should be illegal for legislators to be involved in any form of medical care, they’re just complete illiterate morons on the subject.
I agree, legislators and insurance companies need to stay out of medical decision making
They did it while the mice were at school too. Didn’t even contact their parents or anything. The mice school nurse just ran around kidnapping all those poor mice students and making them transgender!
This is an old trick politicians use in regards to science. Strip the context out and make it sound ridiculous.
Very on-brand for these idiotic transphobes.
Transgenic, potahto
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he brought up the kid with cancer during his speech. The dumbass is literally cutting cancer research funding. Way to use that kid as a prop to pretend he cares in any way…
How about the transgender kid’s mom who came alone? lol
Oh god yeah that was cringe. The lady looked like a total Karen too
I wondered what he was on about
He stood on stage with gobs of horse shit flying from his mouth at record pace and media outlets are like “based on the smell of this shit, we think this is where it came from”.
I wondered what he smoked and where would I be able to get some.
Maybe people shouldn’t legislate on matters they don’t understand. Only politicians who understand the concepts being presented should be allowed to vote on laws that affect entire industries?
Ratatouille part 2, transgender and spaghetti boogaloo.