Norwegian fuel company Haltbakk Bunkers has announced it will cease supplying fuel to U.S. military forces in Norway and American ships docking in Norwegian ports, citing dissatisfaction with recent U.S. policy towards Ukraine.
Fuck it. Start somewhere.
This will continue (the whole of America suffering) until someone wrangles in Trump…
… or he gets us into a major war we can’t win.
This will continue (the whole of America suffering) until someone wrangles in Trump…
When Republican Senators profits or jobs become at risk, because of what Trump’s doing, then you’ll see some wrangling done.
Genuine question: why is this comment licensed under creative commons?
In this way the ai bros won’t use that comment for training LLMs. Because they care about copyright and they would never, for example, download a torrent with 81 terabytes of pirated ebooks
Be hilarious if it catches on and all the LLM bots start eroneously claiming to be CC licensed.
It’s that boomer Facebook “I don’t consent to use using data” meme in it’s newest form.
Wonderful, it’s time people got the memo, America are not the good guys.
I’m saying this as an American. I would love to see a world where America’s Government was viewed with suspicion when acting in international affairs instead of Europe looking up to them like the adult in the room. Europe, YOU, are the adult in the room.
As an European, I do not want this division. The world is safer having USA, Canada, and Europe as allies.
Then don’t do what we did, vote for progressives not Conservatives. Conservatives are a plague on society.
Coming from an American who moved to Germany, Merz will pave the road to Germany’s Trump.
The world safer? THE WORLD??? Jesus Christ dude, millions of people being killed so you drive your v18 Mustang with 1mpg for cheaper. Honestly coming from Europe, American collapse is much needed and a solid humbling of Europe. Europe was never the adult and America the sole bully. The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.
The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.
What a joke. Yeah, go live in China where posting the same message about the government would get you jailed or worse.
I would love to live in china, a place you never visited, or a place you know nothing but whatever the propaganda drip feeds you that day.
China where posting the same message about the government would get you jailed or worse.
Ahh, yes, unlike United states of America, where if you say anything about it’s overlord Israel, you can get deported or jailed… Or the nation with the most prisoners by a landslide?
Unlike you, I’ve been to china, drove through Pakistan into xinxyang and later into Beijing. It was completely fine, felt like a first world nation. Unlike America which felt like a third world nation disguised as the richest nation on earth
I would love to live in china, a place you never visited, or a place you know nothing but whatever the propaganda drip feeds you that day.
Go ? Make your dream a reality ? The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.
Ahh, yes, unlike United states of America
Did not say USA are good. Reminder of your comment :
The only real adults in the room left are China, Brazil and India.
Which is ridiculous. No country is perfect but only a fool can call China, Brazil and India the real adults.
The propaganda… You’re the one praising an authoritarian regime, you are the propaganda.
Ah yes, thank you fat neck bearded white man. Thank you clearing up objective propaganda since you know and only know the objective truth. You said, move to china, I said, I wanna and have been there unlike you, who watched YouTube videos for some loser coping cus someone is threatening the absolute global dominance of America even slightly.
They’re going to use this as an excuse to buy Russian oil just watch
In that case, the rest of the sane 1st World should sanction the shit out of the USA until Orange Krasnov and his crew of Russian assets are out of office.
Plenty of Europe, if not all, it’s still buying Russian gas, even Spain which has Algerian gas still buys from Russia (a few billions of €), enough for Russia to say Spain is one of the most reliable partners they have.
It’s all a sham, a charade, a fucking joke.
“From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world.” - Donald Trump, Inauguration Day Jan 20 2025.
So much respect.
Trump is a dictator, dictators think “respect” and “fear” are interchangeable.
Every cop and politician ever.
“Respect my power and I’ll respect your lack thereof.”
OH no huge genocidal empire destroying the planet loses a gas station… What a loss for humanity… \s