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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2024


  • The most documented genocide in human history is happening in gaza and is fully funded and supported to the point of prisons and deportation in America. This “independent tribunal” never went to xinyang and are an arm of American global influence. How fucking stupid are you, you live in the most facist, evil and more imperialistic nation on earth, tens of millions unnecessarily died because of America this century. who are you to point fingers at literally any nation when your nation was born from the genocide of an entire continent!! Go read a book, Jesus Christ

  • I would love to live in china, a place you never visited, or a place you know nothing but whatever the propaganda drip feeds you that day.

    China where posting the same message about the government would get you jailed or worse.

    Ahh, yes, unlike United states of America, where if you say anything about it’s overlord Israel, you can get deported or jailed… Or the nation with the most prisoners by a landslide?

    Unlike you, I’ve been to china, drove through Pakistan into xinxyang and later into Beijing. It was completely fine, felt like a first world nation. Unlike America which felt like a third world nation disguised as the richest nation on earth

  • Shezzagrad@lemmy.mltome_irl@lemmy.worldme🇺🇦irl
    6 days ago

    A reminder, atleast Putin sees Ukrainians as his people just under the wrong leadership (even if it’s imperialism and annexation). It’s not like Israel where they want to wipe 5+ million people off the fucking region, ideally in concentration camps which is happening and documented. (Not endorsing Russia, I just fucking hate all of you)