Can’t have the peasants luck-ing into their class. It would mean their ruse is revealed.
Can’t have the peasants luck-ing into their class. It would mean their ruse is revealed.
I’m sorry but just going for the marginalised groups is not going to win them the next election. They have to be fighting for the working people which, includes marginalized groups, because just playing violin strings about the hardships of small sects of society is not going to bare any fruit from others who aren’t in that cohort more worried about keeping themselves fed and a roof over their heads.
But of course, the large financial backers of the DNC wouldn’t go for that. That’s why they so aggressively pushed “support” for these groups in the first place, using their sorrows and plight as political shields.
Then what you should do when you’re about to buy something is pause, think “do I actually need to buy this?”, then count out 60 seconds as you imagine better things that money could be saved for or more urgent things that are needs rather than wants.
If by the end, you decide that you are 100% certain you want the thing, then buy it. Otherwise walk away.
This way you’re only buying with intention.
I personally use it and excuse to sell, donate, or dispose of stuff I have no use for.
It’s the perfect time to do it as you’re going through everything anyway, I literally did it last November when I moved out of my last apartment.
Electronics Engineer, UK (in the North), £39,000 after 5 and a half years of experience.
My field pays about the middling amount for the engineering profession. If I were to move overseas I could expect a 50% to 100% increase in pay.
Though my current company is great because they treat me very well. Hybrid work on offer with a minimum of 2 days in the office but since my job requires being in the office I don’t use that except for Fridays or when I’m not feeling great but still able to work, flexible working hours as long as I’m available during core hours of 10am to 4pm and Fridays are usually a half-day unless I’m very busy. There’s a pay-adjusted profit share bonus (the lower your salary is, the more you get from the bonus) and they try to match inflation with automatic pay rises.
Much better than my previous place which gave me suicidal depression, anxiety, and workplace-stress-induced PTSD where raised voices and slamming doors trigger an anxiety attack.
I can only speak for the UK and from a amateur perspective but here’s the rough breakdown:
90% of the time it’s likely a private pilot that’s wandered into a restricted airspace without realising it. Or a faulty radio or navigation equipment or a medical emergency. They’re politely escorted out.
9.9999% of the time is an adversarial nation testing the response time of the quick-reaction force defenses. They’re politely but forcefully escorted out. Maybe some insults traded over the radio but that’d be about as heated as it gets.
0.0001% they pose a threat and refuse to be escorted out. At that point it’s basically the same thing of asking “what would happen if someone climbed the fence to the White House and towards it and when the secret service pointed guns at them didn’t stop, would they get shot?”
It’s the pilot’s call at that point, but if they posed a threat to life then yes they probably would shoot them down.
Edit: there’s probably a ridiculous amount of zeros I’d need to add to the last point to indicate how unlikely it is but I can’t be arsed to add that many. Basically you might as well round down to 0%
Bold words coming from a couch fucker.
Genuine question: why is this comment licensed under creative commons?
Christ, I wish Americans would get over their embarrassment that half their population has a vagina.
Despite some people on here’s hard-on for completely banning cars which would be impractical and impossible country wide, it makes sense to see them as what they should be: a luxury for most and a necessity for a few people with mobility issues.
Mass public transport should be the cheapest and preferred option and a vital part of any city’s infrastructure. Then spreading out in terms of density, towns should have parking outside of the town centre with regular free shuttles into the centre with regular and cheap/free bus travel to and from town centres with buses that have segregated lanes for high traffic areas so buses are able to run on a good timetable. Towns should also be built on the 15 minute city model. Then finally, in villages and rural locations, an on-demand bus service balances the provision of public transport without ridiculously long waiting times between buses or spending way too much on frequency when there isn’t the population density for demand.
All of these population densities should have extensive cycle paths and long cycle highways between these population centres.
And viola: civic infrastructure where a car is the infrequent option and therefore significantly less traffic, lower carbon footprint, lower infrastructure maintenance costs, and a more active population engaging with eachother in thriving communities.
Americans now need a wanking license.
la puissance du soleil dans la paume de ma main
[Takes a drag on a sexy cigarette]
Should we start a list of CEOs that should be exempt from Adjusting?
I’ll start:
So Timpsons as a store are a fantastic company that operate on what they call an “upside-down” management where employees have the authority to do whatever they think will deliver good customer service. They also go out of their way to employ ex-convicts to give them a good wage and any support they need to rebuild their lives with more than 10% of their workforce being ex-convicts.
James, specifically, has overseen incredible work with the Prison Reform Trust which works to improve prisoners access to education, mental health, push for alternative community focused punishments for less serious crimes, etc.
He’s now currently minister for Prisons and is actively looking at Prison Reform policies to ensure that reform works and the prison population is reduced so more prisons don’t have to be built.
What do you think?
Pneumatic International i.e. the people who make Henry Hoover. You know the ones that are built like tanks that every cleaning service used because they’re so reliable and last forever.
I believe they’ve also made a handheld one now.
Avoid Dyson, because they’re overpriced, the build quality is terrible now, and Dyson is a Brexitier and Trump supporter.