This is the sleight of hand they want you paying attention to. Instead, keep an eye on the other hand;
Because that is the one doing the damage.
This is the sleight of hand they want you paying attention to. Instead, keep an eye on the other hand;
Because that is the one doing the damage.
Considering there is zero evidence shown that the letter was ever folded and stuffed in an envelope? I’d say there’s a very high non-zero chance that it’s complete bullshit.
So would you say people born with cancer could learn a thing or two from people that never had it?
Also, remember back in November when all the people that said both sizes are the same? Well, you might not believe it, but even after all the stuff done so far, many of them still actually believe it!
I know, right?
You have no proof whatsoever that I believe he’s a fascist.
Which is why I said “I BELIEVE.”
And you absolutely ARE allowed your opinion. Just as others are. Yet I see you browbeating them daily with it.
So now that it’s clear you don’t seem to like taking your own medicine, it might be best that you make a decision to either stop administering it to the people in this community- or keep it to the other communities that are more UNIVERSALly tolerant of your style of…. Communicating.
Yeah. It’s pretty UNIVERSALly known that he’s a fascist. And I honestly believe that you know he is as well.
Enjoy your stay visit and behave yourself.
He’s a fascist. It’s a fact. Walk away.
No. They won’t.
So let me get this straight:
You are telling other people they’re wrong for calling him a fascist, which by the way- is an opinion they are entitled to. (Remember this part. It’ll come up later)
Then you say… that if he were a fascist, news sources would refer to him as such- but because they’re not saying it, he’s can’t be a fascist? And when that backfired on you, you made the conscious decision to assume that I am somehow mad- which is a well-known troll’s defense by the way… and a piss poor one at that.
And now, with the wind is entirely out of your sails, you’ve fallen back and have now entirely entrenched yourself within the defensive:
“I’m allowed to have my opinion! Move on if you don’t like it!”
Heads up: you’re not a victim here. That shit doesn’t work on me. No one is saying to you anything that you’re not saying to others. So If you’re not going to “move on,” then why should anyone else? They’re just holding up the mirror, if you don’t like what you see- that’s a you problem.
Now… Moving forward- If you want to say he’s not a fascist. Say it and move on. But you don’t get to tell others they’re wrong when they’re stating a UNIVERSAL fact that you happen to disagree with.
If you don’t like this. Then maybe this community isn’t for you.
It’s not my opinion. I shared the definition of fascism. He embodies that definition word for word.
His is a fascist. BY DEFINITION- and this is empirically factual.
That you disagree, is an OPINION.
As I said already, AP and Reuters don’t need to call him a fascist. He is one by his actions. Just like I don’t call my neighbor a liberal when I address him or speak with him, I just call him Jay.
I sincerely hope this puts an end to your bad faith attempts to stir up arguments as I don’t believe you should have any logical response that can carry any weight whatsoever.
Be done with this.
OP acknowledged the tweet as being false and made the appropriate edits to acknowledge it.
There’s no need to continue reporting it.
What’s a tiefling?
Maybe you don’t know what it means?
Ooooh! Count me in as a qualifying candidate. I’ll drop my Vyvanse off in the bins outside the gates and partake in the Healing Through Labor™ right beside you, my Brother In- wait… what was I just saying?
So what’s your plan?
They could have 1,000,000 signatures. The result will be always the same when the man you are trying to impeach personally owns the military.