Say what you want about the pope. but he took the time recently to write an extra special Fuck You In Particular to JD Vance. (or at least, told some one to do it, I presume.)
Still not someone I’m going to regret passing, but, eh, I can respect that act, at least.
Yeah when I heard he was in early stages of kidney failure, I knew he was basically a walking corpse. You don’t get better from that at such an advanced age. No matter how much the media tries to make it seem like mild improvements are actually meaningful, nor how much the Catholic faithful pray for his recovery, the Pope is on borrowed time.
I mean you have to be older than stupid to even try out for Pope, so.
I get the point, but Catholics aren’t typically anti-medicine (some are, but it isn’t dogma.) They celebrate unexpected recoveries, but we all do.
Catholicism sucks, but not for being anti-medicine.
They’re neutral at best, or at least, being anti health care isn’t a dealbreaker- they canonized mother Teresa.
they canonized mother Teresa.
True, and they (leadership) knew what she was really doing.
Eh, What was she doing? Why the vitriol?
The highlight: one of her core beliefs seems to have been that her patients didn’t actually need medical care, rather, that they only needed to feel wanted by god, and to die in peace. when criticized in places like the Lancet she responded:
There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.
but then, turned around and sought medical care for her own ailments (severe heart conditions.) in modern American hospitals.
So she’s a typical example of the hypocrisy of the christian faith.
Oh, and her “Miracles” were faked.
Nope, I don’t consider an article that quotes a, and I quote, “hindu nationalist” for his opinions on her work a valid source.
This has been debunked before, I can’t pull out a source at the moment, but I would know because I’ve myself flip flopped on my opinion on Mother Teresa to have read many many sources and opinion pieces on her work.
And about her penchant to try to convert most everyone she met - that’s a natural behaviour of someone who knows that a christian convert that dies in grace will have a pleasant afterlife, and not just “in the self preservation interest of the church” - remember that a christian convert contributes to the church’s survival for as long as they live, not if they’re dying from sickness.
I’ll check out the article in more detail when I have the time to do so and bring you some sources to back all this up.
Nope, I don’t consider an article that quotes a, and I quote, “hindu nationalist” for his opinions on her work a valid source.
it’s more than you dropped.
And in any case, there’s plenty of reason to suspect that- even relative to 1950’s Calcutta, India, standards of care were low. Like most people Teresa was likely a mess of good and bad. Catholics and christians in general will usually ignore all the bad and assert that the good is all there is when it comes to one of their own. Which is hilariously idiotic, and for example, precisely how we wind up with an asshole like trump in office.
Just because some one happens to have particular religious and political views doesn’t immediately mean they’re lying. because the Catholic church and it’s massive army of defenders would never, ever lie. or conceal the ugly realities.
And about her penchant to try to convert most everyone she met - that’s a natural behaviour of someone who knows that a christian convert that dies in grace will have a pleasant afterlife, and not just “in the self preservation interest of the church” - remember that a christian convert contributes to the church’s survival for as long as they live, not if they’re dying from sickness.
You need to brush up on the difference between belief and knowledge. Christians believe a thing. A thing they cannot possibly actually know, because there is exactly zero tangible evidence for an afterlife.