I’m not convinced this is new or unprecedented; we’re somewhere between the robber baron gilded age thing in 1920’s America and 1930’s Germany. Not saying either one is a wonderful place to be, but I’m not sure we’re on new ground.
Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
I’m not convinced this is new or unprecedented; we’re somewhere between the robber baron gilded age thing in 1920’s America and 1930’s Germany. Not saying either one is a wonderful place to be, but I’m not sure we’re on new ground.
I’m a ham radio operator; it just feels weird hearing someone call 400 MHz “long range.” Above, say, 60 MHz I wouldn’t count on anything beyond line-of-sight anyway, though I suppose the lower in the UHF band you are the more likely you are to punch through leaves and such.
You know what? Money’s no object, so why don’t we arrange a grand tour? We’ll do Europa, maybe stop at Ganymede and Callisto (I don’t think Io is a very pleasant destination spot), then head out to Saturn and check out Titan and Enceladus, head out to Uranus for a stop at Miranda, and then finish up at Neptune to spend some time on Triton.
Titan is a terrible place to view Saturn’s rings from; first of all the moon’s orbit is pretty much coplanar with the ring disc so you’re looking at something hilariously thin end-on. Second, thick opaque clouds. On the upside, Titan’s gravity is so low and the air is so thick given an Icarus suit you could fly like a bird. Or pedal power a Cessna Skyhawk.
You’d probably get a good look at the rings on your way in though.
Europa, Jupiter’s moon.
I think the appeal is to have some kind of paper printer that isn’t under the thumb of fucking megacorps.
I have a feeling we’re going to regret a lot of the “From 201x all new cars have to have ibuttfuck.” It’s like paying to be assimilated by the goddamn Borg.
As much as I love barbecue I don’t and won’t own a smoker.
remember r/antiwork?
Who is writing this shit?
What sadistic prick is authoring this reality? Just…holy shit. In what culture is that how you win the war at home?
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
I kinda like the British word “satnav”.
haven’t bought anything from Amazon in years.
Some of the OLD HP Thinkjet printers were pretty rudimentary; the original Thinkjet cartridges are still widely manufactured for certain industrial applications. Tell me we couldn’t reprap that shit.
The Apollo moon landings have been faked dozens if not hundreds of times and only done for real 6 times.
So I’m from North Carolina, for the uninitiated this is one out of fifty of the United States of America, which is a nation located on the continent of North America bordered by Canada to the North and Mexico to the South. If you were paying close enough attention you might have heard of us in the news recently. North Carolina is located on the Eastern coast, that’s adjacent to the Atlantic ocean, you’ll find it just across the Northern border of South Carolina, to the South of Virginia, and to the East of Tennessee. We also share a relatively short stretch of border with Georgia to the Southwest. You might find us after a few hours examining a globe.
North Carolina is almost as famous for our barbecue as we are for our barbecue. Two distinct styles of pork barbecue emerged in North Carolina, the Eastern style characterized by smoking a whole hog prepared with a dry rub and served with a spicy, thin, vinegar-based sauce, and the Western style characterized by smoking pork shoulders basted with and served at the table with a sweeter tomato based sauce.
In both cases, shoulder meat will be coarsely shredded simply by pulling it apart with forks or bare hands, done right it’s more tender than cooked hamburger. Piled high on an inch roll slathered in barbecue sauce and topped with coleslaw and you’ve got a pulled pork sandwich, serve it with a side of hushpuppies.
Fun fact: A candidate for North Carolina governor once lost the race because he was heard saying he was getting sick of barbecue. Nope, you don’t get to be chief executive Tarheel like that. That ain’t gonna work.
Wait, was that the nut bill guy or eye doctor to the costume designer to the stars?
I guess they do limit the ones you can get to; can you get to the little…tree dude? In the dark world’s equivalent of Sahasrala’s hut outside the Palace of Darkness as a bunny?
Didn’t you hear? All US presidents are baby fuckingly evil especially Obama.
I did once talk to Ukraine from some woods in North Carolina on 20 meters (~14 MHz) So when you say “long range radio” to me I think in hemispheres.