So… what does the “push me” button do?
So… what does the “push me” button do?
So like, there was a church near where my grandma lives. Big super-church.
Has a fucking Starbucks in it.
Wish they’d switch to Flavor Aid.
Turning the other cheek isn’t incompatible with eye-for-an-eye.
The principle behind eye for an eye justice is that the sentence must fit the crime, instead of brutally excessive. Like cutting off people’s hand for stealing a loaf of bread.
Turning the other cheek doesn’t negate the law, it forgives the consequences of that law. It says “hey, I see you’re starving, here’s a second loaf.”
Incidentally, a man who is starving and the merchant not giving him bread was murder. But details.
Another way of saying it, is that Jesus simplified the law. Because they were too dumb to follow the first ten, Christ gave a simpler set of two:
Love god. Love your neighbor.
This doesn’t negate the 10, but encompasses them.
Edit: to the point about slavery, exodus 21… all sorts of beautiful laws. Like, Hebrew women who are slaves don’t get to go free in the sixth year… and clearly being okay with dudes selling their daughters into slavery.
So, the question I have, is where do the proceeds go, and how much is that guy making off it?
If the money for the merch goes to, say, feeding the homeless or even just the church’s general budget, I see it as a fundraiser, and not particularly offensive.
If the dude is pocketing the profits…. Yeah, fuck that dude.
Aweww are they having a lovers quarrel?
Not to mention, the democratic base is mostly behind Green, because he’s doing something people are pissed. They want action. They don’t want weak, pathetic, little placard things that trump can’t even read.
These ten fuckwits need to get fucking primaried. It’s disgraceful. They just sided with fascists against one of their own, because that guy made them look bad.
Please tell me that the Mar a Lago Turd-O-Lardo golf course now has a mini golf feature.
He’s so doped up on ketamine that he can’t even get the order right
why anyone would go to Fyre Festival 2, after what happened at Fyre Festival… is beyond me.
Like. How dumb can you be?
Nope, I don’t consider an article that quotes a, and I quote, “hindu nationalist” for his opinions on her work a valid source.
it’s more than you dropped.
And in any case, there’s plenty of reason to suspect that- even relative to 1950’s Calcutta, India, standards of care were low. Like most people Teresa was likely a mess of good and bad. Catholics and christians in general will usually ignore all the bad and assert that the good is all there is when it comes to one of their own. Which is hilariously idiotic, and for example, precisely how we wind up with an asshole like trump in office.
Just because some one happens to have particular religious and political views doesn’t immediately mean they’re lying. because the Catholic church and it’s massive army of defenders would never, ever lie. or conceal the ugly realities.
And about her penchant to try to convert most everyone she met - that’s a natural behaviour of someone who knows that a christian convert that dies in grace will have a pleasant afterlife, and not just “in the self preservation interest of the church” - remember that a christian convert contributes to the church’s survival for as long as they live, not if they’re dying from sickness.
You need to brush up on the difference between belief and knowledge. Christians believe a thing. A thing they cannot possibly actually know, because there is exactly zero tangible evidence for an afterlife.
Say what you want about the pope. but he took the time recently to write an extra special Fuck You In Particular to JD Vance. (or at least, told some one to do it, I presume.)
Still not someone I’m going to regret passing, but, eh, I can respect that act, at least.
The highlight: one of her core beliefs seems to have been that her patients didn’t actually need medical care, rather, that they only needed to feel wanted by god, and to die in peace. when criticized in places like the Lancet she responded:
There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.
but then, turned around and sought medical care for her own ailments (severe heart conditions.) in modern American hospitals.
So she’s a typical example of the hypocrisy of the christian faith.
Oh, and her “Miracles” were faked.
Yeah well I say, musk should be forced to run a camshow called “my little teapot”.
And I have just as much authority as he does, so I guess he’s doing the camshow now.
depends on your definition of ‘work’, I suppose. by mine? and probably most honest people right now… nope. Schumer might be playing a different game, though.
It only works because the democrats are even bigger cowards who won’t exploit the silence to push their agenda.
She truly believes this.
Because she doesn’t actually work.
And they’re lazier than she is.
So they must not work.
of course, the premise that veterans are inherently lazy is utterly false and clearly refuted by, you know, seeing what the fuck they actually do. but Habba doesn’t work, and that includes fact checking her own bullshit.
Standard republican play book: Break shit and when called out wonder why it’s broken.
The school to prison pipeline is malfunctioning because Ortiz was smart enough to sue.
Looks like you could ox or ax on the triple there (there’s an open x.)
Edit maybe that’s a V,
there’s the do at the top of the board (bottom of the pic,)