Like workers on a conveyor belt based assembly line except the conveyor belt was the shaft
Like workers on a conveyor belt based assembly line except the conveyor belt was the shaft
Every CCTV system with playback uses HDDs. Can’t use SSDs in that particular usecase because of the constant high volume writes.
This breakthrough has broguht quantum computing from viable in the next 20 years to bring viable in the next 24 years.
Nope, I don’t consider an article that quotes a, and I quote, “hindu nationalist” for his opinions on her work a valid source.
This has been debunked before, I can’t pull out a source at the moment, but I would know because I’ve myself flip flopped on my opinion on Mother Teresa to have read many many sources and opinion pieces on her work.
And about her penchant to try to convert most everyone she met - that’s a natural behaviour of someone who knows that a christian convert that dies in grace will have a pleasant afterlife, and not just “in the self preservation interest of the church” - remember that a christian convert contributes to the church’s survival for as long as they live, not if they’re dying from sickness.
I’ll check out the article in more detail when I have the time to do so and bring you some sources to back all this up.
Congratulations, you’ve been promoted to keeper of the books
Eh, What was she doing? Why the vitriol?
I’m waiting for Ladybird