My coworker loves Trump loudly and obnoxiously. But she’s mad about the tariffs and votes for the NDP here, but says he’s “doing good things for his country”, but can’t identify what. She doesn’t know anything about weaponized disinformation, Russian troll farms, or dark money, and I very gently explained these things to her today, and saw this dim light turning on behind her eyes. So many people don’t know how badly they’ve been suckered by weaponized disinformation and dark money.
Canada should just cut off non-vital trade to America until we have a new trade policy
I love seeing that video of a journalist asking trump about what he said about some tariffs and him responding “I think the other countries pay them”. He truly doesn’t know how they work.
In all fairness, a fringe economist told him that. Navarro still hasn’t been able to successfully explain to anyone why tariffs won’t raise prices. He gets as far as “they can’t raise tariffs on the largest market in the world” as if there weren’t high tariffs on the us before.
How dare you insult Trump. Next insult, and you’re gonna get tariffed!
It hurts itself in its confusion
He may be dumb but not as much as the people who voted for him
Governor? It’s he really referring to the Canadian prime Minister as though he is the governor of a state? And they said Biden was losing his grasp on reality.
Biden was
This isn’t trump not understanding the concept of a governor. This is him stating multiple times over and over that he wants to take over Canada.
The same way Putin knew it wasn’t a special military operation but an invasion. The language matters
Probably but I don’t think we’ve had an actual doctor come to any conclusion and probably won’t until he’s dead. Barring that Trump does the same shit but instead of freezing he just goes full word salad. It also seems like he’s having some pretty severe mobility issues.
Yeah that’s still fucking dumb because it’s not a state. You don’t call the car you want to buy “your car” because it just isn’t.
Well no, Putin couldn’t openly declare war without forcing Europe to get involved, if they claim it’s anything else we’ll that’s more grey.
He’s using serious channels and conventions to deliver deeply unserious ultimatums in order to consolidate attention and create confusion. He will do the same exact thing as the tariffs if it gets to a point of actual mobilization.
“Trump withdraws troops from Canadian border for fifth time this month”
And while everyone is reeling and scared and wondering what the fuck will happen tomorrow, Elon and his little cronies are literally hauling cash out the back door.
I see nothing to make me believe he is not serious.
Well he might seriously get us into a literal war with our neighbors, but it’s not because he gives a shit about politics or international anything. He’s doing a cash-grab right now with and for his donors and sponsors and his family. He is not serious about anything he says because he’s not telling anyone what his actual motivations are.
Serious in this context doesn’t mean “not joking” but rather means “with a real intention of affecting political change.”
I’m not convinced he’s not serious about what he says. I assume everything is a trial balloon. But more importantly, his entire cabinet nods along to his words and the media does not push back.
No one said it wasn’t, you’re taking offense to things that were never said.
At the top of this thread you were implying that Trump referred to the Canadian prime Minister as governor because he was losing his grasp on reality.
No. Trump is fully lucid when he explicitly threatens Canada.
Fanciful wishes are a loss of reality. Someone who thinks they are king is not likely to be sane in this day and age.
Yes he did, however this is just wishful thinking and talking shit. You know the general purview of the mentally unfit.
Until the 25th amendment is enacted, the orders of a sane president carry as much weight as those of an insane president.
It’s deliberately disrespectful. He has said that Canada should become a US state. This is convicted felon Trumps way to belittle both PM Trudeau and the sovereign nation of Canada
The funny thing is this is Trump’s way of trying to insult Canada and our PM, but he comes off sounding like an idiot who doesn’t know Trudeau’s proper title.
Like, come on USA. Your grandfather is wandering down the street with his pants off again. Can you come get him?
All Trudeau needs to do is implement a reciprocal tariff that also increases by like amount. Boom, now you have an infinite tariff loop and a single transaction in either direction is enough to create infinite GDP.
Checkmate, economists.
God I’m exhausted.
At this point, we just need to cut it all off completely. Oil shipments, electricity, lumber, aluminum. All of it.
I know that that’s a hard ask for those industries that are affected, and if it means the federal goverment has to temporarily raise the deficit in order to subsidize those industries it’ll be crazy expensive and inflation will shoot up. But I’m convinced that that would be only a short amount of time that that would actually be needed.
Let the United States go one week without our stuff. 100%…fuck 'em. They’ll last one week. Maybe two. And when they quit their bullshit, make it clear that we are diversifying our business partners making it easier to pull it from them again anytime they let Trump open is fucking mouth.
Hold our resources hostage against them.
I mean, if we play all our cards at once, we have no cards left for the next thing, and in the process that might raise enough American political will to invade for real.
It should be and I think is all on the table, though, and I have no problem with it if they want to escalate, because we also need to raise political will to sever our ties for good.
we have no cards left for the next thing,
That’s the game, he’s bleeding you for cards.
If he’s going to attack you, he’ll bleed you first. There is no appeasing him permanently.
Economical MAD is not the answer here. It’s a very complex subject that is difficult to solve.
It’s a very complex subject that is difficult to solve
In a sane world, I agree with you. But we’re dealing with a man who himself doesn’t realise its complexity and only understands strategies that are “blunt and absurd”.
We can use as nuanced and soft-toed strategies all we want and he’ll never get it through his orange head.
Trump: “Fuck framing lumber. All my homies hate imported timber for house framing.”
lol ours is retaliatory but theirs are reciprocal?
Eat shit asshole.
This guy doesn’t even understand those words. They’ve got someone writing his tweets now.
In 6 months, he’s going to be talking about how Canada started this trade war.
He’s basically saying it now. He is calling his current tariff “reciprocal”.
the classic American strategy of preemptive reciprocation
Not to mention the “Governor Trudeau” extra-dumb.
God I hate politics-by-Twitter. I’m appalled that the US is turning into a fascist country, but I’m even more appalled by how pathetic, puerile and trashy the US’ new fascist overlords are. At least Hitler dressed in Hugo Boss and made speeches that enthralled people: MAGA dresses like tramps, Steve Bannon-stylee and bullies other countries like kids on the playground.
I think this is Truth Social with is worse than Twitter somehow.
Twitter and Truth Social are two subtly different flavors of fascist excrement.
There goes my crown again…
Sorry. He’s old and not long for this world.
You’ll have the throne back soon.
He is factually not the dumbest man on earth. We can criticize without discrediting ourselves with unnecessary hyperbole
Oh sorry. Who is the dumbest man on earth? I will send my apologies.
Probaby someone in a vegetative state
Bankrupting his country like he did with all his businesses, including a casino. Notoriously difficult to bankrupt.
3 casinos.
Also barred from running charities because he stole from kids with cancer, wasn’t it?