Does anyone realize how easily our technology could be crippled by these megacorp?
Does anyone realize how easily our technology could be crippled by these megacorp?
Scariest possibility is they use their private army to just conquer us…
I’m not exactly a baby-maker myself. I am quite anti-natalist as a matter of fact.
No Canada, keep the Tariffs…you don’t want to fund a fascist state that wants to annex you!
They have gone full grayface mode. I understand not giving a damn about a few individual users, but now they are on a complete power-trip that will destroy them.
They actually did that since I left?
The sad thing is, he barely knows what’s going on, besides that he shoot a CEO. He does not know just how deep the rabbit hole goes. I hope he gets jury nullified.
That’s the only issue with the opt-in taxes idea. But seriously, why should the rest of us be punished because they don’t want taxes? Just have the destructive people who say taxation is theft, well…live with no government services, 100% dependent on corporations. Taxes should be opt-in. And that means, those who opt out will have no medical service, no public sewage system, no disability or welfare. We can let them have the roads as gratis, just to keep the peace. They will quickly realize how stupid and evil their system really is, when they are the only ones suffering from it.
The one thing conservatives where right about: Reddit is a censored hellhole.
Ok, so if the entire world turns into a dictatorship, with no free countries. Seriously, who will even want to live in it? How long until the population just de-pops itself?
That would go under “incentivizing violence”, because people want to lynch you.
Hypothetically, what stops someone from just labeling Lemmy a malicious site, and getting it blocked on most browsers? I can easily see this happening if Lemmy becomes relevant enough.
He went to the backrooms. He must have found the exit, but will never remember.
Pretty simple: start asking controversial questions until you get permabanned.
“You should not have voted democrat, biggest mistake ever!”
Afford? You mean steal?
Decent architect trying to be a painter
Legal meth? Sign me up!
We literally are Redditor’s, remember? We are the original Reddit, for better or worse
I mean, he seems to spend no time off while dismantling democracy. I don’t understand why people go so far to ruin other’s lives, but not save them.