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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2024


  • rumba@lemmy.ziptoFunny@sh.itjust.worksCulinary map
    6 hours ago

    You know what’s strange. I can buy French cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Canadian cuisine, I can even find elements of UK in Germany

    I’m not even aware that Spain has a cuisine. I just looked up the entry on Wikipedia and I’ve never seen any of those dishes really.

  • rumba@lemmy.ziptoFunny@sh.itjust.worksCulinary map
    6 hours ago

    I saw a really good documentary recently, hell if I can remember the name. It covered actual Italian historical dishes. They were explaining that most of the really old stuff was region specific. Like one dish in one area had nothing to do with the same dish in another area. They actually went through kind of a food reimagining or Renaissance after one of the wars. Basically they were saying that pizza as it is now is not that old. Prior to the rush into America they had flatbreads that kind of but didn’t really approximate pizza, and it wasn’t until the Italian Americans repatriated that they started honing what they consider they current concept of pizza.

  • I had a co-worker that managed to score himself a pretty decent aerospace job. He was a damn good coder, college graduate, No debt no drug use whatsoever, nicest guy in the world. This one time a baby mouse got stuck in a recycling can by his desk. He gave it water put a little piece of Rice krispie treat and with it so it had something to eat. The mouse took a bite of the rice krispie treat and kealed over dead. He sobbed about that for the whole day and was mopey for the rest of the week.

    Anyway he passed all the practical exams with flying colors. They’ve gone through months of investigation and he was fine. Finally came time for the polygraph. He went for the poly, found some time later that it was not good. Listen I’m back for another poly. Some number of days or weeks later it came back is not good.

    I’m like dude, what’s happening when you’re going in there are they asking you complicated morality questions or something? Basically it came down to about halfway through the test he would just start freaking out that he wasn’t going to pass it get nervous, upset, The second time he actually cried a little bit.

    He never did get that job. But I can assure you that if he had he would have gone to his grave with any secrets that ever would have come out of there.

  • A little stress, a little money problems, super easy to manufacture. Give them a common enemy. The people below them, the people that look different. They band together. Education is attacked. Now any propaganda works. Even the most stupid shit gets the conspiracy theorists wet. They evangelise. This is their circle of trust. Family not in the circle will not convert, they are seen as pompous and corrupt. They are promised that the people responsible will be hurt.

    It’s not magic or impressive. People are easily programmed. The evolutionary traits that gave us advantages hundreds of generations ago are easy strings to grasp.

  • I hated the election itself, this bullshit is almost refreshing.

    The FA state was stressful for me, the FO is pretty well outlined. The only think left to ponder is do we ride this all the way to eating rats in the street, or is Bernie and AOC gonna clink up on a bear and ride it into battle leading us pitchfork wielding folk into, well what would happen next? New Consitution? New Laws? Obv thing’s don’t just ratchet back 4 or 20 years and all debt is left stable.

    Kinda wish I payed more attention in history, but I don’t think we had this kind of detail back then either. kinda like the image on this post :)

  • Picking on Sanderson is a bold move ;)

    The main point of the contrast being Sanderson (and honestly, most of the greats) developed a solid cohesive lore and set of rules. As the story progressed, the rules get clarified, the twists and surprise are made in logic and creativity, but in the finding of some new rules and the hasty trying to stitch them back into the past.

    Sanderson puts out as much content in a couple of years as others do in decades. It’s not always page-turners, but each work has it’s moments.

    Rowling did a little worldbuilding, maybe borrowed a bit, arguably did a good job on a handful or two of characters then just kinda milked it.

  • I agree completely with the cash out scenarios listed. In the end it’s all money and power, only the means and details change.

    If you’re asking the lay republican, you’re going to get the propaganda. It’s going to be that we’ve given all these people free rides too long. Money, Military Support and Health support and things are too bad here, we need all that money here to help our own people stuff the billionaires pockets.

    Realistically, they are trying to A: stuff their own pockets and buy up everything they can. B: force us into an unopposable dictatorship Krasnov is owned. You remember right when he got into office, we saw some russian warplanes toying with us, that was his keeper pulling his strings. We’re owned at the moment and the one that owns us is making sure the oligarchs get enough keys to satisfy A and B.