This is the one I found closest to my mothers. She herself doesn’t ever write down HER particular measurements.
This is the one I found closest to my mothers. She herself doesn’t ever write down HER particular measurements.
Nope. It retains enough salt to add to the unique taste. It just has to be dried and preserved in salt that then has to be removed. It gives the cod it’s ability to break apart into the casserole.
Ah. My bad. Got overexcited and skipped to the end. Sorry about that.
New Orleans is Sinking by The Tragically Hip
I live in a different city and often find myself wishing for my mother’s Portuguese Salted Cod Casserole. It was out typical sunday family dinner when I still lived in the same city as them. Not a cultural tradition, just because it was my favourite dish.
But the nature of it ensures that I’ll never ever ever have the patience to do it myself, considering that step one is soaking the dried salted cod in cold water that you repeatedly replace for up to 48 hours in order to get the salt out.
The US and Canada will never be the same again
As a Canadian I think, if we can weather the storm without Cheetolini going full “annex” mode, we’ll come out the other end better; more diversified and secure in trade relationships, and stronger on the world stage.
It is indeed dangerous to rely on any one country for too much
Cries in Canadian
Spending every lunch hour on the library computer with three friends in 1994 playing this is probably why I didn’t have a girlfriend.
It’s a very complex subject that is difficult to solve
In a sane world, I agree with you. But we’re dealing with a man who himself doesn’t realise its complexity and only understands strategies that are “blunt and absurd”.
We can use as nuanced and soft-toed strategies all we want and he’ll never get it through his orange head.
God I’m exhausted.
At this point, we just need to cut it all off completely. Oil shipments, electricity, lumber, aluminum. All of it.
I know that that’s a hard ask for those industries that are affected, and if it means the federal goverment has to temporarily raise the deficit in order to subsidize those industries it’ll be crazy expensive and inflation will shoot up. But I’m convinced that that would be only a short amount of time that that would actually be needed.
Let the United States go one week without our stuff. 100%…fuck 'em. They’ll last one week. Maybe two. And when they quit their bullshit, make it clear that we are diversifying our business partners making it easier to pull it from them again anytime they let Trump open is fucking mouth.
Hold our resources hostage against them.
Sure would be a shame if four people 3D printed four parts of a DIY gun and smuggled them in seperately before assembling it in the bathroom using a stack of confidential documents as a workbench.
Can I be nit-picky here for a second?
If you’re genetically modifying an elephant for cold tolerance and fur growth, you’re not “bring a mammoth back from extinction”, you’re creating a furry elephant. It may look somewhat like a mammoth, but genetically it’s not a mammoth at all.
It’s like saying you can genetically modify a homo-sapien to have a pronounced brow ridge and a hairier back and say that you’ve brought the neandertal back from extinction. No you haven’t, you’ve just designed a human who looks different.
On a brighter note, I’m pretty sure Katy Perry’s boobs would look absolutely fantastic in zero gravity.
It’s a “block party”! </dadjoke>
I’ll show myself out.