The reason Trump is talking about annexing Canada is that Musk wants him to. Musk’s mother is Canadian and born in Regina. This would make musk a natural born citizen of the United States and eligible to become
presidentgod emperor for life.Fuuuck. A couple of months ago your theory would make me LOL. Right now it makes perfect sense. What a time to be alive…
On the flip side… It makes Trudeau eligible to become president. I see this backfiring badly.
Wasn’t Trudeau rather unpopular until Trump started talking about annexing Canada?
Yes, but also he is stepping down literally today.
Musk was born in south Africa though?
Doesn’t matter, it’s about being a birthright citizen.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada but he’s still technically eligible to be US president
This particular rhetoric isn’t helpful. The man is a child. If you tell him he got bitch slapped, he’ll drive us all into the ground just to “win”.
I could be wrong. Maybe it’s more important to message voters. But it’s a risk.
pweeze be sensitive of da widdle dictator’s feewings :(
Putin is. He knows exactly which ones to hit and when. Plays him like a damn xylophone.
I think trump is more of a kazoo.
the fuck does that have to do with a lemmy meme
As a european I have to say I really do hope he swiftly drives you into the ground as quickly and as hard as possible. That way, you might still have a chance to save whatever is left of your democracy before the surveillance state can be fully weaponized against his opposition. The human suffering a fully formed fascist state would bring upon your people (an the rest of the world mind you) would over time still be much worse than the mother of all economic crashes if he triples down on his stupid tariffs right now.
Good. Maybe the American voters need to learn shit the hard way.
Consider the silver lining: suffering and toil puts hair on your chest and builds character. Think of how much personal growth you’re all about to be forced to go through! The chucklefuck American voting public chose this shit-covered reality. So collectively this is what you wanted. Hope you enjoy it!
None of you get a free pass from Canadians. None. Not anymore, not ever again. We ain’t fam anymore.
You better look around you, fam. I seem to remember some trucker convoys up there.
In which case the leader of said convoys has been sentenced to time behind bars
Good. I’m glad you’re upholding the rule of law up there. I hope for your success, as I hope you would like for ours. Your longtime ally is still in here somewhere.