Are my current guys.
Are my current guys.
Good. Maybe the American voters need to learn shit the hard way.
Consider the silver lining: suffering and toil puts hair on your chest and builds character. Think of how much personal growth you’re all about to be forced to go through! The chucklefuck American voting public chose this shit-covered reality. So collectively this is what you wanted. Hope you enjoy it!
None of you get a free pass from Canadians. None. Not anymore, not ever again. We ain’t fam anymore.
Have you considered what drinking from that well is doing to your mental gut flora?
Wait, google does searches now too? Wow they have a service for everything.
Uh…the “badge of honor” would have been quitting back during api-gate and not looking back. Getting banned now just means one participated after that time, providing spez with traffic and value, and helped normalize the behaviour that is only just now a bridge too far.
Today, a ban is the “conciliatory prize of not thinking ahead”.
I think we need to go even further and avoid American culture and practices. Tbh that is their biggest export, via the entertainment industry; a recipe for a way of life that guarantees their enrichment and your impoverishment.
If you seriously think that this isn’t market manipulation then I’ve some lovely bridges you may be interested in acquiring for a low price!
Spoken like someone from the very very shallowest side of the gene pool. You’re a mouth and an anus and not much else.
They left out the Trelon administration.