The idea behind mentioning specific YouTube and Instagram content is that you only view content you selected, not fed.
That is kind of a bitch since you need to find content for starters.
The idea behind mentioning specific YouTube and Instagram content is that you only view content you selected, not fed.
That is kind of a bitch since you need to find content for starters.
As others have stated: https://riscv.org/about/
Now, there would still be a metric fuck ton of money involved. Chip fabs aren’t cheap, engineers aren’t cheap and project management isn’t cheap.
The open architecture means there is already a framework and R&D costs will also be limited. And yeah, no licensing fees like we already covered.
Without diving deep into RISC V, just because there is an open architecture doesn’t mean that there are machines capable of manufacturing whatever specs are required. Licensing fees for machining could be pure insanity.
Still, a few million (or billion?) is normal when it comes to making this stuff.
goodbye: the freshmaker.
It seems that a few router types have WiFi + SoC setups now. (Like ones using the IPQ4019, for example.)
While that doesn’t significantly reduce the risk of something nasty, it would limit places for nasty code to hide. Well, “hide” in the traditional sense, like on another chip entirely.
However, I haven’t really looked into any drivers to see how these SoC’s are segmented to see if its really any different than the old MCU + WiFi chipset setups.
It depends on how bad China wants your porn. There could be secondary MCUs that are designed to completely bypass the original firmware. (Think Intel ME)
That is not very practical for consumer grade gear, but still possible.
So… All of them?
I have my doubts about that. Most of the mass posters are too “conservative” and lean extremely hard into stereotypes. They take racism and bigotry just a bit too far in many cases and it doesn’t quite align with actual conservative bigots and racists that I know.
It wouldn’t be surprising if most of the “conservative” communities are part of the same troll farm that lives primarily on other instances.
This is all speculation, of course. But, organized campaigns to spread discourse on social media are real and some of these trolls are really good at what they do.
I was referencing another thread in this post, so it’s not you. Sorry to give the wrong impression.
And that’s OK! Some people just need to blame everyone else for everything that is fucked up in their own lives. I don’t support that, but it is what it is.
Both conditions apply, was the intent. Teeth from slaves that were also purchased. My wording was unclear, sorry.
It was so unclear, it seems that I am white washing racist now.
Lulz, good points. I should clarify that internet pictures with “facts” are fucking dumb. While that wording has gaps as well, maybe we can hone in on some specificity.
Lulz, wut? I called your discussion style childish and you literally just did the same thing again.
I could make all kinds of assumptions about your intents, and none of them good. But I don’t.
I don’t give a fuck about his character.
You are making assumptions about my intent or what I believe, which is a childish argument tactic.
Again, internet pictures with words are fucking dumb. You might get a ton of likes on Facebook with that shit though.
I didn’t suggest anything about his character, and we could probably have an entirely separate discussion about imperialism.
What is important is how you source information when it comes to dental prosthetics.
The history of Washingtons teeth is uncertain. The evidence that those were slave teeth seems to show that the teeth were purchased.
Internet pictures with words are fucking dumb.
Many articles are horrendously biased in the US. For lulz, I just went to the CBC website and found most of those articles quite dull, actually. (I ignored most of the articles about US politics) Even an article about a con-artist stealing $300k from his soon to be ex-wife was kind of dry.
But, bias is still there. It’s extremely mild compared to what I am used to, but it’s there. Interestingly, it shows in how articles are arranged, not in specific words. Good things first, controversial last for a “negative” article as an example. (How an article is structured determines how a reader feels after they finish reading. There was an article about a Chinese Bubble Tea chain right now I could use as a good example of this.)
The “I don’t like this article, which means it’s biased” point is still extremely valid. I would hesitate to call is strictly a US construct because it seems like a standard reaction for people who do not have the capability to be objective. The world is filled with those kinds of people.
I bounced around a bit with my point, but a poor reader will probably default to bias as an excuse for any emotion they feel. Unfortunately, the US does have its fair share of poor readers.
(Side note, I try to follow some structure with my posts online when talking about these kinds of subjects. The last paragraph will likely be something more people can find common ground with, like I did here. It’s not fake or made up, but showing compromise or understanding last is less likely to result in a hostile rebuttal.)
BYD? I have heard quite a bit about those.
The statistics I found quickly were a bit muddy and pointless to share. However, I am sure there is data out there, but I am too tired to look for it. I would bet that every manufacturer has seen at least one fire, but that is just a guess when I think about the thousands of vehicles that are in the wild.
Teslas get the most attention because they are Teslas. TBH, I don’t think a battery fire in a Hyundai would get much attention by the press.
Shoes don’t go on your dick. Unless that’s your thing, which is still fine.