I know some people still swear by their old iPods or film cameras. For me it’s a 15 year old Western Digital external HDD. Do you have any older gadgets or tech that you refuse to let go of?
A car without an internet connection.
Green/orange LCD screens, needle speed dials, just perfection.
Old ass kindle. Physical buttons, no modem to phone home / update itself / delete my shit, only thing it can do is display books
I have the original Kindle fire. You can have it for free. It even has a micro HDMI port.
Why thank you, I’ll take it off your hands.
DM me and pay the shipping. I will send it usps priority.
My thinkpad x220. One of the best laptops ever made
My wired headphones.
I hate the wires dangling around my ears and neck. So annoying lol
I hate constantly needing to charge headphones and dealing with bluetooth connection issues. Way more annoying lol
That’s why I use both, interchangeably! Worst of both worlds!
My 90s bike.
Most of the components have certainly evolved when you look at a modern counterpart.
But it’s still fully repairable, serviceable at home or on the trail, extremely reliable, and doesn’t require any firmware updates or batteries to use 😄
- Cantilever rim brakes.
- Square tapered bottom bracket.
- Cup and cone hub bearings.
- External cables.
- Friction shifters (may latest “upgrade”!)
- Steel frame.
So much about it is “outdated”, but I love the hell out of it.
EDIT: Photo of my metal steed in “winter mode”. LOL
I’m still rocking a Zune and a flip phone.
It’s called a Zune. It’s what everybody’s listening to on Earth nowadays. It’s got three hundred songs on it.
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