You Could be Mine was the perfect choice for the moped scene.
Oh no, you!
You Could be Mine was the perfect choice for the moped scene.
No need to go poop anymore. It’s definitely a big plus to not have an asterisk.
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No time-delay for inputting the numbers, ability to process any calculation (which calculators can’t), and no need to carry an actual calculator around.
A few off the top of my head:
Destiny Potato - Lun
Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory
A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
Theatre of Tragedy - Aegis
A flexible job is one thing. But a job that requires a flexible person is something else entirely. Kevin is paid quite handsomely for his willingness to pack his gear and fly halfway around the world to do his thing on short notice.
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Let me tell you a short story about Kevin.
He had the same realization, so he went to trade school to avoid the parts of education that involved a lot of studying in the traditional sense. So he ended up as a decent welder.
Fast forward a few “normal” jobs where he couldn’t quite fit because of the everyday drudgery of working either as a maintenance man or a factory worker, doing the same things over and over: He ended up applying to a job where the tag line was basically “no days are the same”
He started working with sea fastening. You know those ships with a large superstructure in front of a completely flat back deck? His employer was in charge of all sorts of fittings and welds onboard ships so that containerized systems could be easily mounted in a secure manner.
And said company was usually contracted by my former AND current employer to do the sea fastening aspect of mobilization.
And yes, Kevin is a real person. And as soon as I see his name on the personnel list, I know it’s all going to go well and be a lot of fun while we’re at it. Kevin and I have been drunk on all continents together. (Well, except from Antarctica… so far). Be it occupying a Texas BBQ joint for an entire day while doing the layout planning from there, or chilling (literally) in a Singapore pool after a long days work.
Oh yes, ADHD… he mentioned that he probably wouldn’t have ended up where he was without it. I’m not saying his situation is universally transferable, but it’s all about finding ones element.
His only ADHD-related failing that I’ve noticed is that he usually struggles with airports. But that’s fine - we usually park our asses in a quiet airport lounge anyway.
Ducks screw, humans nail, dogs interlock, horses mount, aliens mesh
At least you seem to have self awareness and insight, which is more than most people.
I grew up north of the toxic belt, and it’s my firm opinion that Italian food is overrated. Well, except Parmesan, I’ll give them that.
Lasagna is like a moussaka with too much tomato sauce and layers of pasta that should’ve been skipped.
Anyone who downvotes this is either Italian, or has a fetish for mashed tomatoes.
A math coprocessor would be nice. Ability to instantly know the answer to equations I see, and ability to do large calculations in my head.
Also, some sort of interface port where I could upload skills or information, matrix-style. And it would have to be a physical port, no fucking way I’d want that available wirelessly.
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I used to know this guy who majored in astrophysics or astronomy (can’t remember which).
To paraphrase his reasoning: There is nothing about physics that prohibits the existence of a god. The Bible has many things that clash with modern scientific understanding, but the Bible was an interpretation of things as they stood almost two thousand years ago, and is therefore likely to fail in many of its explanations. Religion is about faith, science is not.
He considered himself a Christian, and didn’t see why that and his field of study would be mutually exclusive. Also, he was pretty open minded about most things and overall a pretty chill guy regarding other people’s view and lifestyles.
find /mnt/gubarmentfiles/ -name “*gay*” -exec rm {} \;
– some dogenerate, propably.
(OK, I made that one up)
DO NOT call the police. They will confiscate the server as evidence, and lacking any other suspect, you will be their primary lead. Police aren’t about convictions or justice, they want to consider a case solved.
By law, you are not liable. But because of law enforcement incentives, it will absolutely become your problem.
Todays language lesson, Norwegian: “Donald kan finne seg et par russiske baller å sutte på.”
Translate into your native language, and describe, using red white and blue crayons, how it makes you feel.
How much are we talking? Are there any documented suicide by nutmeg?