it’s not about the water, it’s about OBEYING them. If Trump, his oligarchs or their puppets tell you to jump you jump or ask ‘how high’ but don’t question them and surely don’t disobey them
it’s not about the water, it’s about OBEYING them. If Trump, his oligarchs or their puppets tell you to jump you jump or ask ‘how high’ but don’t question them and surely don’t disobey them
“Putin ordered Trump to compensate Orban” There, fixed the headline for you
Heard on Swedish radio (P4) that there are even car dealers that no longer accept a tesla as trade-in when you buy a car from them.
Good idea! Trump is all in for isolation, and given the track record of the last 6+ weeks … so please do ban transatlantic travel for the USA. As off today is just fine.
They used to burn witches too… just saying
Genesis - The longs
Alternative you could go by boat, but I’d advice is to travel by land because I expect Poland will join you. (or it’s just I’m hoping they will)
well, not for all of you, but there are a couple of loony’s out there (if you need proof of that: i’m here)
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
Probably not here, probably none at all. They blindly follow Trump. And proud to be blinded too I might add: Before I left reddit I wanted to ask a similar question in the republican subreddit. However, they where so loud and proud they found liberals on the subreddit and banned them for life I never bothered to put out any questions there.
wait…WHAT??? it doesn’t sound unlikely (tesla can be disabled remotely by tesla), but why would you buy it in such case? That’s why I voted the piracy party a couple of times. Not because I fully agree, but just to get people with at least some IT knowledge in
Welcome back to sanity
Good position for negotiations (not that an agreement under Trump -not even written down and signed- is worth shit)
As should europe. Clearly you can’t trust the USA anymore. What is the long-term prospect for spare parts?
go big or go home : 100%
wait… He made i big point out of cutting billions from the government agencys during the election, you choose to support him and nou you look surprised you’ve lost your federal job?
Too late. That wasn’t a typo, Terms are going downhill from here. I’m gone.
On reddit Mario Bros will never be the same