“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling… wait… Oh, ok, I am getting away with it? Oh. That was easier than I thought…”
China #1
Best friends with the mods at c/worldnews@lemmy.ml
“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling… wait… Oh, ok, I am getting away with it? Oh. That was easier than I thought…”
You are looking at this from the top down instead of the bottom up. You have to start local, and I don’t mean “grass roots”. I mean getting progressive leaders into place in your city and state elected positions. Then, you work up from there. It isn’t a quick and easy thing that you can just do with some signatures. There has to be a foundation in place, or it’s just a waste of time and effort. It takes decades to do this, not one election cycle. That’s why I really dislike this mindset of “I feel abandoned by X,” because maybe you have been, but there isn’t anything you can do about it aside from hold them accountable. The effort you put into starting a whole new party is better spent getting your local progressives together on letter writing, protests, and other acts that will draw attention at the local level.
If you think the GOP just “got big” all of the sudden, you haven’t been paying attention to the last 50 years of politics. They’ve been playing the long game, and now the are reaping the rewards. You won’t win anything with short term goals and nothing to back them up. You have to do what they did, and start now. Then, maybe when your kids or grandkids can vote, they’ll have a progressive leader to vote for. There is no easy road. The only ways out of this now are through long term strategy or short term violence, and both of those come at a cost that most aren’t willing to pay. Anything else is wishful thinking.
No. Everything is tuberculosis.
Sleep deprivation. It’s borderline narcolepsy when you’ve deprived your body of meaningful sleep for so long that it skips all the bullshit and goes straight to REM sleep.
Used to happen to me a lot on the bus home after work. I’d just slip into a dream, scare myself awake thinking I missed my stop, and realize I was only half a mile down the road.
Go to your public library and rent a movie for free.
I don’t want 180s. I don’t want wishy-washy. I don’t want fair weather friends. Why? Because they are untrustworthy. Oh, you flipped 180 and support trans rights now? How long until the next grifter comes along and scares you into thinking the drag community is stealing children? Oh, you’re good with minorities having rights? Are you gonna feel that way the next time some old white man comes along and tells you they are bringing drugs into the country?
I’m sure you’d love to say that you’ll stand by your convictions, but history has shown that you won’t. Repeatedly you have changed your positions. Repeatedly you have flip-flopped. I don’t care about you, anymore. Truly. Believe whatever you want to believe, just please do it quietly.
Yeah. Definitely don’t need to take an responsibility for your actions. You can be both wrong and lied to. It’s not like there wasn’t 4 years of this already and a very large group of people telling you what was going to happen if you repeated your past mistakes.
But no. Keep on blaming others for your fuck ups. No one is perfect. No one can blame you for this mess.
Fuck you.
Sorry, maybe that was too uncivil. Let me rephrase.
Conservatives are the neighborhood kid that keeps showing up to the park when the rest of us kids are playing soccer. We let the conservative play because we are trying to be inclusive, but this is the third time you’ve kicked the ball over the fence, and every time we go get it, you swear you’ll play right, but then do it again. We don’t want you on the playground any more. You aren’t welcome to play. We don’t care if you felt like you were lied to. You’ve been told how to behave, and you have chosen not to, time and time again. The rest of us aren’t looking to take your hand in friendship and welcome you back. You’ve run out of second chances. Now, we just want you to sit at home and try not to mess anything else up. No one wants to be your friend.
Bullshit. It exists because Konami got out of the video game business for Pachinko and then realised they could double dip if they beat all their dead horses some more.
I think the real solution is not to lend on fake money. Tax or no tax, it wasn’t taxes that caused the market crash in 2008.
If I get any sort of heads up that I’m going to die, there will be at least one that doesn’t outlive me.