What’s worse in its way is that reddit policies basically state that once a subreddit has been banned they are free to ban any new attempts at the subreddit that might pop up.
What’s worse in its way is that reddit policies basically state that once a subreddit has been banned they are free to ban any new attempts at the subreddit that might pop up.
When the war was turning in Ukraine’s favor and they were about to push into Russia, he shut it off and crippled their counter offensive. I remember. Fuck Elon and fuck starlink.
Nah not for that. That’s how I get banned from Lemmy instances. As cool as federation is without terms of service you can see it’s more fragmented as people block instances and people. I doubt Lemmy NSFW would let me make my communites and really, I don’t want to deal with it.
I don’t want to deal with people being shitty about my tastes in fiction.
Yep, the internet used to be counter culture. Now it’s controlled opposition at best.
I love lemmy but it doesn’t have my brands of smut. Reddit still does.
Thats why I’m so pissed that fb locked me out of my account. I wanted it gone but was floundering for family. I’m a little pissed they have my new email tbh
Way ahead. I deleted my Amazon 😉
He’s not worth more than 3 words from me. Thank you for standing up for truth. I know it’s a loosing battle on the internet.
The fact of the matter is, all major platforms are shifting to techno-fascism. Not all have yet but ALL private tech platforms are not to be trusted. This is not tinfoil hat shit. We have well documented 20 years worth of how these technologies are used against us. Not in American but elsewhere. Stories we heard that were then quickly buried under the other stories. People that pay attention should know how paper thin our digital rights are right now.
No. It doesn’t.
I made my switch around the inauguration. When I saw all the big tech guys standing together. That’s a big red flag. Even if reddit wasn’t represented.
American here, if you stop listening to them then you loose track of how bat shit insane the lies they’re spewing are. They’ll drive a wedge between you and their audience and you won’t even know why. It will be because they’ll prime their audience against you at every turn. Corporate media and alternative media are always working their way into the minds of your family and friends. Trust me. You can’t ignore them. That’s how I lost family.
“What are you going to do vote for the facists?”
–stays home
(In all seriousness, the two party system killed us. The first thing we should have could have fixed was ranked choice voting but they would never mandate that because it would break their hold. Also despite my joke above I did vote but I’m not going to get pissy with someone that didn’t the problem is the party not the voter. Unless they voter actively voted red.)
Unless your community or community owner pisses off all the other communities or just community leaders.