Witch girls are super rightwing now. A real weird flip.
Witch girls are super rightwing now. A real weird flip.
Must be the mirror universe because these dog shit lying manipulative shit bags have never helped anyone ever.
Dems aren’t bad because they do bad things, they’re bad because they’re traitors who sided with a fascist over the American people. Dems would side with Reps over you and I in a heartbeat.
I’m convinced they axed him just so they could tank this election and give us Trump. They’ve been on his side this whole time.
No Dem has lifted a finger to help me in my lifetime.
Look, the boot tastes perfectly fine. Besides, how will the millionaires eat if I don’t spend my attention to get them paid? What’s another ad. And another ad. Ads when I drive, ads when I park. Ads when I’m reading the news and ads when I’m watching TV. Anyone else hungry for <insert chain restaurant here> lol.
Not everything I view online deserves money. I decide what is worth it to give money to and I decide what news articles I’m allowed to read.
That AOC. Lol. She’s a Neolib. You all are absolutely delusional of you think Neolibs are going to support progressive causes. You’ll elect another mini Republican, she’ll make some TikToks and you’ll have another fascist in four years.
Dems are traitors.
And your ignorance has been induced to control you and compel you to be a clown. Go read a book, eat a burger and shut up.
Vegans will never give you an honest argument. It’s all lies, smoke and mirrors or just some emotional appeal.
Because mentally incompetent people shouldn’t be in charge of steering the government. Mental competency drops fast at higher ages.
Because I only want people who have a bested interest in the future to be the ones crafting it.
You shouldn’t be allowed to vote or drive after a specific age because you become a danger to people around you.
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People that worship psuedo intellectuals like Jobs are just coping with that fact that they’re less intelligent. Sales dudes love having sales rule over engineering. I’d go as far to say it’s difficult to be a decent human being and in sales at the same time.
AoC is a TikTok clown. Dems running her is going to be a hard line for me.
It does exist and this is the exact mentality that lost the election. The Middle class isn’t going to vote for you if you’re campaigning on putting them into the wood chipper again.
No Dem has helped the Middle class the entire time I’ve been alive. There was no one on the ballot who was going to make my life better. I couldn’t even get Dem representatives to reply beyond a canned message about “hard times”. I’ve never seen such a disconnect from the Dem party. They’re not even trying. I bet they’re excited for fascism so they don’t have to pretend to care about us.
Well the Dems helped elect a fascist dictator and they’re now writing poetry and coordinating outfits while our freedoms are eroded. Maybe if we just donated more. Despite holding a strong majority they couldn’t seem to pass anything or get anything done. Obama bailed out companies that left the US anyway. Dems abandoned the middle and working class in favor of a shocking small amount of money. Seriously, that information is widely available and our politicians were CHEAP. When our freedom and well being was on the line they phones in the worst presidential campaign I’ve ever seen from a serious candidate and fumbled so hard it’s difficult to believe it wasn’t intentional. Every year I canvassed for these clowns. I volunteered. And they couldn’t even swing the bat when we needed them. It’s obvious they’re complicit.
Obama and Biden robbed me for the benefit of their donors and now I’m getting told I didn’t campaign for them enough for them. Like I didn’t help flip this area purple and then blue. Apparently we didn’t vote enough to get them to represent my interests at any point over the past 30 years. I’m convinced if I vote for them they’ll just roll over for fascists again. Biden actively let Trump go and let this happen. Trump is a direct result of Dem incompetence or compliance. They’re all on the same team.