unfortunately the things I would most like are things I don’t currently participate in that I greedly would love to be in the loop about. so pathfinder, star trek online, and champions online.
unfortunately the things I would most like are things I don’t currently participate in that I greedly would love to be in the loop about. so pathfinder, star trek online, and champions online.
No state of the union has happened yet in trumps term.
It would be more upsetting if just everything was not so enshitified. I mean I can’t believe how much smartphones are a dream device to me except for how they are implemented.
the big leap from high school was realizing nobody has the normal life.
oh I see. that they are unwilling to admit buyers remorse. There is just so much head in the sand nowadays. everyone wants to live in fantasy.
the best is when the response is about the first or last sentence of what I wrote and their response is addressed in the rest of it.
it amazes me with what gets the most attention.
buyers remorse is admitting it. you are thinking more the sunk cost fallacy I think.
douches gonna douche. douche. douche. and cocksuckers gonna suck. suck. suck.
This works out well because its likely best we have no intel on it.
Im not sure what the establishment is how can’t it is. I stopped going to gas station a few blocks down and instead went to one ten miles away (its gas was cheap enough to make it a wash money wise)
I don’t think vernacular like this always follow like that. I mean how did some names come to be used of euphamisms about the penis. dick, cock, johnson, etc.
“store employees who are miserable and take their anger out on completely innocent people”
so it sounds like employees are being mean to customers. did I get that wrong. if so I would not go to that establishment.
Reading your thing again its strange that you mention employees. I mean there is a gas station I won’t go to because I don’t like the music they play. I will stop patronizing businesses very easily.
im having one of those mandela effects were I already thought there had been 3.
I mean I have no personal experience but standing out at all can bring unwanted attention.
I mean its not want to cut my ears off but im not a rap fan. Well there are these songs were you have usually a girl singing a halfway decent tune and so I stop flipping through the stations and then suddenly the guy comes in with the rap and its like a trap. Ugh. change the station. This is sorta funny because I do like some songs with rap but generally its when the rap is treated more like one of many instruments that blends in with the song but does not dominate it or acts as an accent to the song.
I still would really like to get rid of bathroom seperation completely and make them all either individual locked or with stalls that individually lock and are completely enclosed. This is such a stupid “issue” and we have much more important things that need handling. like fucking healthcare.
Your second sentence contradicts your first. gold has a base value and is overvalued. Just like real estate but it requires no upkeep cost which is what can cause real estate to have negative value. currencies have no base value or a value of zero. So the thing with precious metals is when the house of cards falls it still retains some value.
im aware. star trek online is an mmo.