Still waiting for the one transgender person that changed genders just to spy on people in bathrooms and locker rooms.
I think I found one!
Oh no wait nvm, they’re just a male Republican legislator
I still would really like to get rid of bathroom seperation completely and make them all either individual locked or with stalls that individually lock and are completely enclosed. This is such a stupid “issue” and we have much more important things that need handling. like fucking healthcare.
Republicans, like religious authorities and fascists of all kinds, are entirely too concerned by the contents of other people’s pants.
Quite ironic, huh?
I’d like to see this person and some of their friends show up at any women’s room in Wyoming and see the outrage.
It’s the trans people who pass so well as cis who will be in the most danger. By law they’ll have to use the opposite bathroom of where they obviously belong, and then a group of big burly bigots will use that as an excuse to beat them up. The bigots defend themselves from criminal charges by insisting they were “defending women from a predator”, and even if the trans person can prove they were just following the law and not harming anyone, the bigots will still get off scot-free because the court will rule they had a “reasonable suspicion” for their actions. Gay/trans panic is still effective in many places where these anti-trans laws are passed. And in many cases the trans person may be too scared to even press charges.
Ultimately the point of all of this is to force trans people out of society. You can’t participate in a communal space where you’re not able to safely relieve yourself.
Buck Angel
Didn’t he go fash?
I have no clue actually. I just know he’d give some of those pearl clutchers a heart attack if he was in their bathroom.