What’s funny is that while Vikings are mostly remembered for their warrior culture, their success as a diaspora came more from their merchant and sailing culture. THEY were the ‘immigrants.’
I’m a white, Christian, male firearms enthusiast from Texas.
That’s a tough combination when I’m also extremely leftist.
Anytime someone starts dropping Warhammer lore, or shows a love of Boomer Shooters, I know I’m going to despise that person or they’ll be my best friend, no middle ground, and I don’t even like Warhammer.
I do home canning and a fair deal of baking. There’s a lot of trad bullshit around this that makes me just go “I’m canning cause I love me some candied jalapeños, not because my husband demands I do”
Nazi punks fuck off. This is not a good example. Every metal enjoyer I know is progressive. It’s one of the few communities that is still mostly sane and decent.
I’ve been collecting comics off and on since I was a pre-teen in the early 90’s. I think I had less than 100 books up until about 2013 when I got back into collecting comics. I fell out of the hobby for about 4 more years and got back into it pretty hardcore in 2017 or so and have been pretty consistently involved since then. During the pandemic I learned that there was an entire community of comic collectors on YouTube that made videos about collecting. It was pretty great at first, but over time, I started to realize that a lot of them leaned right. Then more time passed and I realized it was more than a lean. After the most recent election, a lot of YouTube comic book videos became overtly political in support of this shit we’re currently enduring. The people that lean left don’t seem to say anything against it, and so I felt pretty isolated. I no longer watch YouTube comic videos, but I still collect comics. I just do it as a solo hobby once again.
Whenever some city dweller says they like to go fishing, I immediately think “He’s a right winger AND uses fishing as an excuse to cheat on his wife” - this seems to be the case often down here in Brazil
this is how I feel about people who are really, really into Hearts of Iron IV.
I collect coins and I have a deep love of history. I also spent some time in South Africa.
Some of my prized coins are WW2 and Apartheid era coins.
Viking depends in where you are. In my country, Norway, viking iconography is a pink flag. Yeah we have dipshit Nazis who use it, but it’s fairly main stream. Viking rock is a little sus, but not necessarily as sus as elsewhere.
Me but with anime and pedophiles
If someone enters a conversation saying child-coding isn’t a thing, they get a free block
Dumbass here, what’s child-coding? Those “totally not underage” characters?
“B-b-but ackhshually they’re a 1000-year old drago-”
Shut up. They wanna fuck it. It looks like a 10 year old child. They wanna fuck a 10 year old body.
They’re not just creeps, but they’re cowards who don’t even stand by their creepy convictions.
Essentially. It’s kind of a fuzzy definition, but it refers to characters who, even if they aren’t explicitly stated to be children within the canon of their story, are obviously meant to look/act like children. It’s a controversial subject, in part because it’s somewhat subjective, and in part because pedophiles don’t like being called out
The most controversial example I can think of is this character from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. She has just enormous breasts. Like, half of her body weight is in her chest. Real weird fetish shit. But also, if you take away the frankly disgusting tits, it’s literally just a kid
Dudes who like jerking off to her really don’t like when you point that out
We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow
Something about people finding someone who shares their interest in hobby and immediately starts to question them politically amuses me.
Me with my koi pond, before I discovered that most other pond owners are elderly right wing conspiracy theorists who don’t believe in crazy stuff like the nitrogen cycle or that mailing invasive plants like water hyacinth or water spangled is illegal.
I am interested in survivalism but it seems like most survivalists are a bunch of god-fearing crazy racist motherfuckers.
maybe the best part of being trans is that your trans friend group can buy a ranch in the mountains and stock up on guns and alpaca and you never get mistaken for a race war wisher
Guns and Alpacas, the two most precious resources in the world! We should combine them a a single element since an Alpaca without a gun is totally useless! /s
I remember when survivalists were predominately hippie types who feared a right-wing generated apocalypse - like corporatism collapsing the economy, or warmongers starting WW3. The back-to-nature ones learned self-sufficient organic farming, the tech ones bought nitrogen-filled plastic bins of grain, and they all grew weed. Then when rednecks joined the club it became more about homemade ammunition and defending the perimeter.
Whenever right-wingers show the slightest interest in anything the left-wingers flee with their tails between their legs.
Sadly there’s some truth to that. Moral perfectionism is so common among liberals, publicly expressing your interests can be a minefield.
I clearly relate more to this first batch than the second one but for me it is about being able to survive in Nature no matter why. I do not fear a right-wing apocalypse either, I only want to survive no matter what happens.
Good luck with surviving no matter what happens. Most of us are highly dependent on services we take for granted - reliable electricity and water, stores stocked with food, open roads, a monetary system, communications, nearby doctors, firefighters, police, etc. As in, “What have the Romans ever done for us?”
I think hippie ‘survivalist’ material can be foundbunder ‘homesteading’ more easily. Still a portion of exclusionary-supremacists and superstitious-dogmatics, but somewhat fewer in my experience. More sustainable growing techniques, with the guns chapter further back in the book. More mutual aid networking, less barrel frotting.
Bushcrafting content has a fine line when it pushes over into doomsday prepper. I can get the ideas of having a bit of food/water stocked up for a normal emergency. But if you are preparing industrial quantities of things to survive for years in a bunker you should seek help.
I will point out that we’re right now entering a time when basic foodstuffs are going to become very expensive, and a lot of day to day items are likely going to rise sharply in price, or become unavailable. Having industrial amounts of these day-to-day things is a hedge against that.
Then buy grains, they already come in a form you can store long term. Honey, jam and tinned goods too.
California’s lost their water reserves for the year and potash is being tariffed.
“prepper” vs “Prepper” with a capital “P”.
The first learns and practices actual useful skills – gardening, food preservation, repairing their own things, etc. The later are dorks buying a ton of unnecessary shit shilled by right-wing influencers cosplaying as “entirely self-sufficient”.
Gardening, sewing, soldering, and communication are the most important doomsday skills
Well if you just get a commercial freeze dryer, generator and alcohol fuel distillation setup you can be completely self sufficient!
Freeze drying on a large scale takes a LOT of time. You need to be ready to treat food prep like a full time job for it to make serious financial sense.
I would think other preservation methods are easier to go with really. Salt, dehydrate, smoke, pickle, fermemt.
Man, I was really invested in that in like 2016 but in 2018 was the election of Bolsonaro. Some time before, during the election and until now every fucking content creator or community around this hobby became a cesspool of right wing dickheads worshipping this fascist.
As someone from a small town in the pacific northwest, it feels like they always have been. It was just a case of the quiet part not being said out loud or them masking it enough those with lower exposure didn’t see it.
I drive a pickup, grew up hunting and fishing and I’m tall, pretty thick, tattooed all to hell and bearded… the amount of “hell yeah brother” followed by some vial, racist, homo/transphobic shit I have said to me is staggering. The moment of pushback has become a high for me. I’m almost baiting them from a conversation about tree stands and elk piss formulas into some fucked statement about trans athlete’s just too feel something.
That said, it isn’t all of us so I don’t want to gate keep survivalism and general outdoorsiness. Always willing to teach a flytie, how to dig a shit hole and the easiest way to catch water with a tarp.