If the rumors are true, if a dude has a foot that size, you can assume he must also have a long, massive sock.
If the rumors are true, if a dude has a foot that size, you can assume he must also have a long, massive sock.
The most plausible way is a short-term boycott for like 2 weeks at the end of their fiscal reporting period. You want the rebound not to be reflected in the quarterly report so it fucks with the share prices.
They aren’t engaged now. Anyone who really looks at politics beyond the talking points that are delivered by the right knows how insane the right is.
Lack of citizen engagement makes it easier to blame immigrants and trans women.
Taxes go up while prices go up if you make under like $300,000 a year.
It’s literally lowering it for the rich while raising it for everyone else.
The house was about 180 when they bought it, then climbed in value over time to the point they had to move due to taxes. The combination of city, county, 2 separate MUDs, school, ESD, health district, and other taxes didn’t help either.
The school taxes alone were nearly 2% of the value of their home. When your home quaruples in valueshoppingthe area around you gets ritzy, that adds up.
For the city. Then double the city rate for the school district, then add some more for the MUDs and the County and the Health district and the Emergency services district. Shit adds up fast, and when you buy a house new for 180 grand and a few years later it’s valued at 700 grand, you have to move because you can no longer afford to pay the taxes.
Wait until the last 2 weeks of the fiscal quarter instead of mid-cycle and the rebound bump won’t show up on their quarterly earnings, which will fuck their stock value, which is the only thing that matters to them.
It’s really not that crazy in some areas.
They had municipal taxes, county taxes, school district taxes (when massive school bonds pass every single year without fail that one can really add up), emergency service district taxes, Water District taxes, Healthcare District taxes.
That shit adds up when the value of your property doubles every 3 years like it has been doing in Texas.
Temporary boycots work if they’re right before the end of the quarter because it’s fucks with their quarterly reports and therefore share value.
They should do it for 2 weeks right before the end of the fiscal quarter so the rebound isn’t reflected in the numbers.
That’s the thing about increasing home prices nobody talks about. It increases the “value” of your home, so you’re taked more.
When my parents retired, they didn’t move out to the country to get away from the city life. They did it because it saved them 40 grand a year in property taxes.
As I’ve grown older and busier, I now prefer shorter games. Even when I intentionally try to play games, I may get 2-3 hours a week most weeks. A 100-hour campaign takes me a year to play through.
I love my automatic transmission and cruise control, but I do think that I may have been a better driver when I drove stick. By necessity, I had to pay closer attention to the road than I have to today.
Fucker tried to murder other people, including the roommates of his employees.
Yes. Immediately after the fiscal quarter ends, giving them plenty of time to make up for it when everyone who put it off for a week just buys it the next week. Because that’s when it’ll hurt, not right before they have to report numbers.
It’s not Trump you’re negotiating with with that kind of strategy. It’s the GOP.
Story time:
I teach underwater photography at the local university. It’s a night class, and I was teaching about shooting macro in a pool with my students.
We’re at the surface, and a student points behind me and says, “What the hell is that?”
It was a bright light that looked like someone was going crazy with the focus on a camera, with the lightpoint being small, bright, and sharp and divide and blurry, but it looked like that to the eye. It was mysterious and awesome. Then it bloomed into some kind of flower made of light and gas before going dark.
I had a several thousand dollar camera setup with a big zoom lens in my hands, and you know I went nuts taking shots.
The thing about underwater macros is you generally shoot them with the aperture closed as much as possible, the ISO low, and a fast shutter, then you blast the hell out of the target with your strobes.
So I was taking shots with an ISO of 200, F-stop of 22, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second.
Turns out SpaceX rockets de-orbiting are out of range of my mini-strobes, and the pictures were just black rectangles.
Seize all Musk and Trump-owned assets.
If Trump backs down on the tariffs, Canada should only back down halfway. Make it clear there are permanent consequences every time he fucks with the world economy on a whim.
The front and back yards are there to increase pervious cover. That’s it.
I work in municipal development and have worked in dense areas, suburbs, and now work in an enclave for the ultra-rich (average new house is about 7 million dollars in the city where I work). Every single developer wants to level all the trees and build as much on the lot as possible with zero pervious cover anywhere, and they don’t give the smallest fuck about flooding the downhill neighbors.
The can’t legally make allowing the merger to be a conditionon a settlement agreement. So there’d be nothing to keep his petty ass from stopping it either way.
They’re greedy and would do anything for the merger, but Trump doesn’t honor his deals.