I mean anti-vaxxers believe vaccines to be essentially poisen, hence why they are opposed to them. They believe there are other remedies to cure diseases.
So to answer your question, yes they are worried but woefully misinformed.
They are fully willing to take completely unproven “Orange man good” recommended alternatives like bleach and horse dewormer. A good deal of them are chronic smokers as well. They don’t give a shit about nor any recognition of poisons, there’s something far stupider going on
I mean anti-vaxxers believe vaccines to be essentially poisen, hence why they are opposed to them. They believe there are other remedies to cure diseases.
So to answer your question, yes they are worried but woefully misinformed.
They are fully willing to take completely unproven “Orange man good” recommended alternatives like bleach and horse dewormer. A good deal of them are chronic smokers as well. They don’t give a shit about nor any recognition of poisons, there’s something far stupider going on
In a way, they’re right that there’s an alternative. But the alternative is death, and most sane people wouldn’t prefer that.