Thats how we get there.
Everyone should find out political candidates polticial donors and make them into nascar tshirts so we can all inform each other
This should be a tshirt
Yes! Thank you, also space heaters and ac systems. Love diswasher, totes forgot about that!
Indoor fountains
Little water fountains used inside
Newton’s Cradle
The desk toy with the hanging marbles
Also locating needed nightstand items in the dark of night
Wet bulb heh
Should call it U as a better option than X
I only know or these from Urbz: sims in the city
Subtract 300 billion from that (confiscated Russian holdings to make up for it). They need to start pulling their weight from how much they weigh the world down
It makes the most deightful sound when you chuck it and it strikes someone. Its the audio equivalent of a giant “fuck you!” Lol
Motion sensor bombs setup in a sequence and ray gun to help ease enemy into them. Its all about the process and journey of easing them home
And the corporate dems are the arm of the aristocracy and oligarchy
Orion is much better. Vote with your computing power.
I dont think people impose so much as believe people who end up with children are often irresponsible or have selfish reasons to use their children for their own profit or other selfish ego-based reasons.
Enough people have the 18 and your out on your ass into the orphan crushing machine attitude which is not great either. Life is fucking hard and ir sucks that people with no parenting skills or empathy are the ones who tend to throw caution to the wind and do whateve they want all the time
Hes the epi-tome of lady doth protesting too much
Does he have to take immunosuppressants so his “body” doesnt reject them?
She’s gotta be crazy in the sack. If I were into hate fucking she would ideal
See, this is why I love asking questions and hearing from real people over AI… what AI could have made that connection and here we are?
Fantastic, thanks bro
What would be a good album to start with just off the top of your head so I have a starting point?
Summoning - ?
I’m sort of also going for the Subrosians from Zelda oracle of seasons type vibe aha. No idea why