Fuck it, no more Mr. Mrs. Miss or Ms.
Everyone is M.
M. McBride
M. SelfWhat a asshole. Not just for misgendering her but for throwing a tantrum when confronted.
M. Bison.
Mostly unrelated, but holy shit, it’s taken me about a decade to realize that’s why the play is called M. Butterfly and this comment just did it. I just never really thought about the title, but the ambiguity makes sense.
I personally prefer using gender neutral pronouns in professional communications unless someone has set a clear preference - but even this is verboten under this administration they demand he/she and everything else is woke.
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“omg don’t tread on meee! Leftists are so mean omg!”
Maybe Mrs Self should think about how they can choose to identify themselves but are trying to restrict that right (and have, successfully) for a fellow American.