Also offensive: pointing out that English speakers do not use the word “American” to refer to people from Latin America. The term in our language is universally used to refer to people from the country America.
Also offensive: pointing out that English speakers do not use the word “American” to refer to people from Latin America. The term in our language is universally used to refer to people from the country America.
YDI. Seems like a really dumb take. AFAIK to many folks (not from the USA) North Americans are from Canada, USA, Mexico combined with the Central and South American countries, they are collectively known as The Americas. Everyone in the Americas is American in the same sense that all Africans are African despite there being many countries. The arrogance of USAsians co-opting the name of the whole continent of The Americas as though they are the only country that matters is kind of mind boggling.
The thread was literally asking “hey, what are the right words to use to refer to people from America”. Even if my take was wrong (and I maintain in the strongest terms that it was not…see my reply to it was a respectful input to the discussion at hand. “YDI” is the dumbest of dumb takes. Contributing to a thread about a given topic with input on that topic does not deserve a ban and to have your opinion silenced.
You going on racist rants, calling spanish speakers arrogant (which you’ve done twice now), is not anything we will ever allow on
Also the absolute gall of someone calling spanish speakers arrogant, when it’s the US who’s trying their best to exclude them from a designation they call themselves.
The arrogance is when Spanish speakers say that English speakers are wrong for speaking English. The arrogance is you coming here and insisting everything to do with the English language is evil without needing to actually evaluate the specifics of the situation.
A Spanish speaker going about their day saying “estadounidense” is not arrogant, and at no time did I assert that they were.
Not only does that not say what you claim it does, it’s also deeply inaccurate. Fuck’s sake.
Ya. Both of those qualities represent an incredibly recognizable pattern.