What if I am offended by Christian characters, something wildly inappropriate for young impressionable minds?
Religion or LGBT is a false dichotomy and shit like this just fuels division.
Fuck you Disney
Rainbow capitalism, I’ve looked into LGBTq+ forums, subs it hurts the community and movements more than it helps them
See, I actually agree with a lot of people who say they hate “Woke Things”
Because 7 out of 10 times, they’re just mad at Rainbow Capitalism trying and failing to pander to “t3h gays”, but for some reason believe that “t3h gays” asked for it, when in reality we did not… the other 3 times nothing’s wrong and “Woke” is just code for “There was a black guy who did something outside of be comic relief, but if I said that aloud people would call me racist… Which I am”
its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it, but the cons that never watches these have been calling it woke. a great example is STD discovery, such a bad show, but everyone has been pointing how the female leads are boring asfm Kurtzman having an obssesion with pushing it for some reason.
Well I did feel bad about pirating Agatha All Along but not anymore.
Never feel bad about pirating, son!
Come on 😮💨
She’s very obviously a woman, don’t call her “son.”
Why tf am I getting downvoted? What’s wrong with people?
I mean I know a dude whose initials are KD[last initial]. He doesn’t like his feminine first name, so he started going by Katie. KD. He just can’t win.
Yes, but you can clearly see a woman in her profile pic, combined with a girl’s name, on a trans instance, and if any of that gives you pause enough to check her profile, you’ll find it says, “sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum.” Just because some random guy somewhere goes by KD does not make it ok to misgender someone who is very obviously a woman.
Whoever downvoted this, come out and say it my face, coward. Fuck transphobes.
lol… you really need to pick a better hill to die on than this- “who downvoted me?! My words need to be respected!” crap. I downvote you all the time when I see you trying to get under people’s skin- which is more frequent than when you’re not.
You aggressively argue with people and refuse to accept that others see the word differently than you do. And both your modlog and your comment history proves this.
How do you see the world differently to them? Go ahead, say it
Let’s see… I don’t throw temper tantrums when people downvote me. That’s one difference. I also don’t give a shit what people online think about me enough to whine that people disagreeing with me. And lastly, there’s little I find less important than what method someone uses to type shit on an Internet forum.
Most apps don’t show profile pics unless you actually go to the profile.
Then, genuine question, why do you use them?
Because I don’t care about your profile picture.
Anyone browsing on most mobile Lemmy apps does not see profile pics btw, so people might be downvoting because “she’s very obviously a woman” is in fact not at all obvious to mobile users.
I did not downvote btw. Am using Eternity Lemmy client.
There’s still the username. And the proper response to that situation is, “Oh, oops, I didn’t realize, let me edit my comment, thanks for bringing it to my attention.”
If I can figure out a way to view who downvoted, I will be tagging them to call them out and name and shame. I find it completely inexcusable. If they didn’t know they were in the wrong, they wouldn’t be afraid to show their faces and explain themselves.
I did vot you down and I’m also the guy who started all this.
You’re not wrong. You’re just an asshole. That’s why people vote you down.
I downvoted you. It’s because you don’t know how to discuss topics like an adult without arrogantly insulting people.
News flash: Despite what you seem to think- no one here is beneath you. You’re just a random person on the internet- just like everyone else.
I really want to down vote you because of your aggressiveness and off topic ranting but I’ll ask instead what about their username should tell me the user’s gender?