Yes. undoes edit 😁
Yes. undoes edit 😁
“Carl’s hurting, inverted clavicle”, actually.
In a word, corruption.
In two words, legal corruption.
In three words, blatant legal corruption.
In four words, United States political system.
Hyperlinks are typically blue and underlined. Until you click/tap them, at which point they turn purple.
I think you accidentally posted this in the wrong community. !politics@lemmy.world is the one you’re looking for.
They already did their part
If by “their part” you mean throw away the most winnable presidential election in history by sticking to pro-corporate party orthodoxy from 1992 in spite of two thirds of their base imploring them not to, then yes. They sure did their part.
I’m pretty sure that the morning people Venn circle has a shitload of overlap with the kind of people who are both neurotic control freaks and lacking in empathy and are thus vastly overrepresented in positions of authority to begin with.
Then once they got into power, they enforced their preferences to the point that it’s now a prerequisite for power, which makes it even more likely to be perpetuated and so on and so forth until everyone whose sleep patterns don’t naturally conform simply die several years earlier due to all the added stress and poor health decisions required to adapt.
I believe it was Marvin Gaye
“To the floor/ground” would also be acceptable IMO…
Dritte Deutsche Revolution?
Deutschland Dance Revolution?
Dance, Deutsche Republik?
Can’t decide which one is funnier 🤔
Either that or he tripped the proximity sensor floodlights again 😄
Yeah, you could buy a pretty decent house in an attractive part of the city for what I’ve paid in rent for various small apartments over the last ~25 years but there’s literally no chance I’m ever going to be able to afford to BUY real estate.
But what if you want to sell a product you designed but can’t afford to create it or to setup a factory for it, so you want funding, so you try to get investments, maybe by selling equity in your company. Is that not valuable to society? The people that take the risk that your product may not sell?
That’s where small business grants from the government comes in.
Helping people thrive without being beholden to ruthless opportunists or run the risk of bankrupting private investors is EXACTLY the kind of thing tax dollars should be spent on in stead of the MIC, subsidies for the most profitable corporations in the world, and other such enriching of the already rich.
ALL forms of making money from having money need to be abolished completely.
If you’re not creating/selling a product or providing a service, you’re not EARNING money. Furthermore, rich people getting richer through passive income is the #1 thing diminishing the returns from actually worthwhile endeavors.
Except corporate profits are higher than they’ve ever been. Only thing falling is the workers’ share of the obscene dragons hoards of riches.