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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldtoAntifascism@midwest.socialCops showing who they actually serve
    1 hour ago

    Show me that news article.

    It’s a hypothetical. Look around. Communities like this use hypotheticals as the entire basis of their arguments seemingly ALL the time.

    Show of fascist force.

    By account of excessive use of persons? I’d agree. It’s wasteful. But stepping aside and allowing people to vandalize property just because it aligns with your personal belief is now how things work. This opens the gates for others to justify destroying your shit because they disagree with it.

    Oh, and it doesn’t take being “Elon” to think it takes a dumbass to threaten physical damage to a person or place because they disagree with the owner’s politics-

    It just takes being a mature adult that understands how nuance works.

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldtoAntifascism@midwest.socialCops showing who they actually serve
    2 hours ago

    I’m as anti-fascist as the next person, but protecting a company from vandalism isn’t as fascist as you seem to want to think it is. Vandalism is illegal. They are law enforcement.

    Would you say the same thing if they stood in front of a business that was under threat of being vandalized by MAGA clowns because they are publicly pro-diversity? At best I’d say the argument lies in the fact that they probably don’t need that many people, but we don’t really know what the reason was to load up that many stooges to protect that particular location.

    Maybe some dumbass called in a threat?

    Either way… go on and downvote away. I’m fully aware this isn’t the place for nuanced discussion.

  • lol. Okay… I know I said I’d give you the last word, and at this point- I’m convinced you’re a debate troll, but I just can’t resist the appeal of pointing out the seemingly limitless ignorance you have selflessly donated to this discussion.

    Also- in the event that anyone happens to have the patience to read this far in to the bullshit that you’re spreading here, it’s important to me that people see that you are not even denying your involvement in causing the problem we face.

    So let’s get to it, shall we?

    You adamantly refused to participate in the one thing that stood a chance to stop us from having to burn in this dumpster fire. And you have the nerve to play at pageantry and put yourself up on a platform as a revolutionary?

    That has got to be the be-all-and-all dumbest fucking thing I think I’ve ever seen posted to date. And not only that, but You’ve side-stepped every opportunity you’ve had to acknowledge and apologize for helping cause the fucking mess we’re in, or even acknowledge it. So- it’s painfully obvious that you’re not capable of possessing even the bare minimum amount of self-awareness it takes to process shame.

    You seem to have no fucking clue or don’t care at all how your actions affect others. You have shown that you have no concern for what happens to anyone other than yourself and appearances.

    You’re entitled.

    And that entitlement has hurt hundreds of thousands of people. And all you are concerned with is that you are seen to be one of the ones doing something about it.

    Lastly- your little grassroots “revolutionary” bullshit is, and will be- ineffective and irrelevant. And the fact that you actually think it can work simply because similar things have worked in the past just goes to illustrate how fucking clueless you can be about everything up to- and beyond this point.

    Additionally, your use of historical events as a prop to validate the potential effectiveness of acts proposed in the present while willfully ignoring that there is so little similarity between then and now that they don’t even remotely compare is about as bad-faith as it gets. Seriously, that you can even think to consider your nonsense as a viable working model for change illustrates how breathtakingly ignorant and uninformed you are about all of this.

    Snd even if we were to consider trying your ridiculous suggestion- who do you think is there to listen to your “revolutionary” proposal? Who exists to change shit as a result of your suggestions? Your actions?

    Look around! Protests are being made illegal! Are you just not paying attention? Trump has the military under his thumb now. And he is contemplating martial law. So… there is no appeal to reason here anymore because there are no more reasonable people remaining to appeal to! No one remains that really has the authority to do anything about this shit you helped cause!

    So, no… Your only effectiveness lied in causing this. You’ll have nothing to do with anything that will end it because you don’t understand what’s even happening enough to see it for what it is.

    So go sit down and see if you can wrap your brain around what it was that you did. Then see if you can muster up the amount of strength it would take to come to terms with it. Then see if you possess the courage to admit it-

    Then, fucking APOLOGIZE FOR IT.

    Because I can assure you that very few people will ever consider you or your suggestions relevant until you show the humility it takes to admit you’ve made a mistake.

    Because THAT is what it takes to brings change.

  • And what exactly do you think you’re going to do that hasn’t already been tried and failed over and over and over for the past several decades?

    Just like your useless protest votes- you’re not doing anything new. It’s always the same bullshit every time:

    1. Ignorantly think you know better then everyone else
    2. Cause the problem that others showed you how to avoid
    3. Feign innocence and blame everyone else for the disaster you helped cause
    4. Pass yourselves off as the solution.

    So, no… I’m not buying it and it seems not many others are either. This shit is in a large part- your fault. We told you this would happen. THEY told you what would happen. You don’t get to pretend to have the answers here. You have nothing.

    So sit down, pay attention this time, learn your lesson, and do better next time. If there even is a next time.

    This discussion is now over. I have little tolerance for your generic and ineffective grassroots bravado.

    Enjoy your last word. I know how important it is to you people.

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzfuck this
    3 days ago

    …. Says the person that is somehow able to rationalize that doing nothing at all can bring the change you demand from others.

    Because as we all know: History is RIFE with examples of people not doing jack-shit while reaping the benefits of their inaction.

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzfuck this
    3 days ago

    News flash bud: Everyone is in opposition to genocide.

    Regardless of whatever bullshit accusation you hurl at people. Refusing to vote because you manufactured enough outrage to believe your own bullshit is absolutely defined as single-issue voting. You know this shit was going to happen- and you knew it was going to be exponentially worse under Trump- but you stood aside anyway.

    Take your bow.

    And what? I get that you’re fishing for reasons to report people for as that is what you do, but anyone can see that there is nothing at all even close to resembling “holocaust denial” about anything I said, so you can go ahead and put that little straw man away- it’s not going to work on me.

  • Rhoeri@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzfuck this
    3 days ago

    Yeah. It had nothing at all to do with the ninety fucking million people that didn’t vote. I wonder how many of those were the smug entitled stay at home single issue assholes there were whining And yelling at everyone here all the way to November.


  • We’re not in historical America right now. We’re in right now. In the fucking present. Right where your actions helped cause the shit show we’re currently experiencing.

    So how about you stop trying to change the fucking channel and watch the program you helped create. Accept what you’ve done here. Because no amount of “what about this,” or “what about that” is going to change the present day hell we are now facing.

    Do you understand what is happening? I don’t give a fuck that “there was a time….” That time is irrelevant.

    Wake up.

  • I’ll be doing the same thing you’ll be doing, which will be nothing of any effect or consequence.

    Rally all you wish. But if you all couldn’t make the change you want when we had leaders that would have been open to it, you’re not doing jack shit with one that is making protests illegal.

    I’ll say this to you for the last time:

    You had your fucking chance with the rest of us when we told you to vote. You chose not to. So, sorry- but… there is no high road for you here. You don’t get to pretend to remedy the very thing you helped to cause.

    But go on and waste your time as you see fit.