Shoot your local ICE.
In Israel there is a lot of economic inequality between Semitic Jews and white Jews (Ashkenazim). The semitic Jews are called Mizrahim by Israel, it’s a political term that didn’t exist before the Nakba.
There were Jews in Palestine before the invasion, and they have not been treated as equals to the coloniser Jews. Jew Vs Arab is not the full story of Israel’s racism. Israel is fundamentally antisemitic, whether the semites in question are Jews or Muslims.
Hey where are we getting deported to just asking
Not that it’s a good thing, not defending it just clarifying, last time I read an article about it they were talking about foreign students who protest while here on a visa.
Damn I was kinda hoping for a way out
Gaza, duh
Why one has to repeal out of date laws.
Who the hell knew this law was still in action? Also, laws can only be struck down in court when it’s being applied to someone and it’s found unconstutional. That’s when an org like the ACLU steps in for the defendant.
Something something Norms and Traditions, oh its time for my vacation on my private jet, cya!
Because the people who write laws aren’t good at it