The infernal flame of Wonderland. Professional circus sideshow performer, fire witch, and collector of sharp things. Ask for my Instagram!
Legend of Korra did it first
I mean, you can’t really compare chain coffee to ye olde local shop. They both have their time and place. But yeah, B+ is pretty accurate. I really enjoy their habanero chicken wrap and cheese twists. Also agree that McD has weirdly good coffee for a chain, but I try to avoid them in general.
TBF, I’ve also been to a lot of local shops that use horribly burnt coffee, so they’re more of a wildcard than a guarantee. Tims is consistent and fucking everywhere
Bullying is replaced with catcalling and unwanted advances
I think I found one!
Oh no wait nvm, they’re just a male Republican legislator
Of course it’s a picture book, that’s the only thing he knows how to read
Even if there is a presidential election and fuckface loses, what are the odds that he’s actually going to step down? As a reminder, the people who enforce that have all been replaced with loyalists
You’re expecting them to read. That’s already a big ask. People want content spoon fed to them in 30 seconds clips by big breasted blonde women
Oh Hun, bless your heart
TBF, Tim’s is amazing. As far as chain places go, it’s got way better food and coffee than Dunkin (though Dunkin’s wins in the donut category). I never say no to Tim’s.
Now let your mind wander to how the scenario will play out when they pull over your teenage son or daughter.
Conservatives are literally unable to feel empathy
That America is a failed country, and there’s no point to staying and fighting if I can get out
It’s literal for ducks
And most antivax parents are themselves vaxxed
Bionic eyes, mine are shit
Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress
As long as they’re bringing back their cart, I don’t see the issue
600 kilograms of cocaine is no laughing matter
NYT has been gargling orange balls for some time now. They were thanked for their service by getting kicked out of the white house lmfao
The percentage of Americans who have witnessed mass shootings is greater than the percentage of Americans who are trans
But they only seek to legislate one of the two