There never was a literal Tea Party or MAGA Party, certain groups simply co-opted or took majority control.
There never was a literal Tea Party or MAGA Party, certain groups simply co-opted or took majority control.
Makes me think of the shooting of Daniel Shaver. They kept yelling out commands that even a sober person couldn’t understand (Shaver was intoxicated during the incident).
Still waiting for the one transgender person that changed genders just to spy on people in bathrooms and locker rooms.
Regulations that would identify a company as Russian-owned are being relaxed. There’s really no good reason for such a move unless you know it will make me shady shit easier to pull off.
There is also public anger about a documentary by Danish broadcaster DR that claimed Denmark earned the equivalent of up to 400bn Danish kroner (£45bn) from a Greenlandic cryolite mine between 1854 and 1987.
Yeah, the US doesn’t want to “freedomize” Greenland. We want to exploit it.
I’m guessing they have few if any laws regarding foreign influence in elections because they never thought they’d need them.
They need to start an interstate compact like with the national popular vote. Until enough states sign on, gerrymander, suppress votes or encourage votes. Do whatever is necessary to get the seats. You don’t get brownie points for being fair, you get them for getting shit done that actually affects people’s lives.
I mean, your phone has a timer feature in the Clock app.
Probably give it a good… 30 years after that. For such a “Christian Nation” we treat our own people, even whites, like shit. Our national debt is a problem but we’ve long been morally bankrupt. We gotta lose the trash in DC but without a shift in public sentiment we could backslide faster than the Weimar Republic.
The standard with any election should be “trust but verify”. Take results at face value but immediately follow up with audits and selective recounts to ensure integrity. It’s quality control and it should happen before and after every election with publicly available reporting and independent audits.
While harder to get rid of I treat Teslas with equal disdain as MAGA hats. Don’t care why or when you bought it, if you still have it you’re on my shit list.
Not that I would believe the results but did these MFers get background checked by the FBI? Maybe they need access to sensitive systems but are they sure the “auditors” don’t have $10k in gambling debt?
At this point Trump could’ve signed an EO to say you gotta put down a $1 million deposit to sue the government. He’s not bashful about making shit up.
Probably, but let him show his hand. As far as I’m concerned that’s the Imperial Presidency on full display and following the law, top to bottom, is optional.
Well when you put it like that I guess the 60,000 dead and 111,000 wounded Palestinians, including children and babies, seems justified.
When do the contempt charges start? Maybe Trump is off limits but haul in the department heads.
Call me when they’re vomiting. Maybe I’ll hold their hair back.
Historically, Japan is really good at handing Russia its own ass. Whenever you’re ready Putin.
This has big, “Guys! If we don’t get into the ovens then we look like the assholes,” energy.
As a parent this really hits home. I can remember vividly the time I was harassed, 6-month-old in my arms, when I cut off desperately needed funding. I was literally causing death and misery, all because I thought a ruthless foreign dictator was kind of a cool dude. If we were both threatened and harassed for being massive turd nuggets, where does it end? /s