What, why? Then they’ll come here!
What, why? Then they’ll come here!
So 9/11 was what now? What a fucktard.
Dear Americans: quit depending on your politicians and turn up for voting day.
Just start posting all sorts of content about Luigi cart and Mario’s brother, or his antics on smash bros. See if the human mods can keep up.
So they called his bluff? What a pusillanimus.
I’m betting he won’t. He just wants to use the apparent threat as a bargaining tool. Only if these bavkdowns are anything to go by, he’s hardly in a position to dictate. What a dumbfuck.
Only if they get off their lard asses and do something.
I’m revolting as it is.
He wouldn’t care. Doesn’t he already have all of our personal data? Should be easy to blackmail with that kind of leverage.
I’d be quite happy with links and no socials.
Just remember he literally blackmailed Ukraine, it’s people and Zelenskyy by threatening to withhold aid unless they made a public statement saying something disparaging and wholly untrue against the Bidens. That will tell all you need to know about the current us administration. Fuck turnip
…which tanks via small omissions in logic and missing semicolons.
I’m seeing two. Barret for choosing to side with maga, or maga for choosing barret. Either way, I’m enjoying the show!
Al Qaeda 2.0 on the way?
Good. Dumb kids need to learn the consequences of their actions.
A guy in a bank ferrying billions in my neck of the woods told me how ‘most’ software jobs involve cutting and pasting snippets fron the likes of git, sourceforge, etc. His bank is in deep on AI, be it on operations, or investments. On the one hand, I admire his disconnected bliss, but damn, all the money is being moved by the people who don’t understand coding, and being given to the people who don’t know how to code. State of the bubble right now. FML.
Maybe people shouldn’t legislate on matters they don’t understand. Only politicians who understand the concepts being presented should be allowed to vote on laws that affect entire industries?
And they say the republicans listen to the people. Lol. They use the people and discard them when they become inconvenient. Didn’t they learn anything from turnips first term?
Good. A kid with a gun is still a kid, and needs to be treated like one.