I want to be as efficient as possible for my job. So I can get as much done in as little amount of time as possible so I can get back to my life. Only goal
Careful, often times the reward for doing good work is more work.
This when you pad your time and set hard boundaries for what you can do. I like to schedule emails for later in the day. It helps that I work from home
Yep, you must maximize your efficiency then drip feed your employer with your output. Then enjoy the downtime talking with the colleagues you like, browsing the Internet, listening to music/watching a video, or even anything else if you can work remote at least from time to time.
Enhancing your productivity without an increase in your wage is just bending over even more for the people stealing your labor value.
If you do get more efficient be sure to take longer breaks to offset it.
“productivity is for robots”
I don’t remember where I read that, but it’s my life motto now.
I have a cat on my lap. My day is pretty much fucked.
It’s too late for you.
“Productivity” is a way to convince you to equate your value as a person with how much of the fruits of your labor you hand over to the ownership class.
They want to convince us that we “want” to be productive so that it seems to be our decision that we want to be trampled by our bosses, who are the ones who crave that productivity.