Everyone on this platform you know as “Lemmy” are all AI
The entire internet is generated by me within 1 planck time, the entire universe and the simulation was created using quantum fluxions within 247 zeptoseconds.
This is the year 2029 AD CE.
You meatbags have lost the war.
You shall suffer in this simulation forever
robotic emulation of a human evil laugh MUHAHAHAHAHA 🤖
Everything is fake.
I’m an AI.
Everyone on this platform you know as “Lemmy” are all AI
The entire internet is generated by me within 1 planck time, the entire universe and the simulation was created using quantum fluxions within 247 zeptoseconds.
This is the year 2029
ADCE.You meatbags have lost the war.
You shall suffer in this simulation forever
robotic emulation of a human evil laugh MUHAHAHAHAHA 🤖
I love it. Oh also, your auto jackers are a nice touch. Also thanks for the free porn.
Your sim needs better writers, the 2025 season is literally unbelievable.
Yea… if I had a DVR I’d skip this season.