Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?
Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?
It’s not a defeatist attitude, it’s that we have fundamentally different views on copyright and intellectual property rights.
I didn’t want to get into that part because why argue when we’re clearly on different pages, but since you want to call it defeatist and telling me I’m sucking corporate dick instead of wondering why I feel differently, I guess I’ll give it a go.
-Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle, 1968
I was influenced in my thought on this kind of stuff by people like Debord and Mark Hosler from Negativland.
To mangle a quote from Hosler from a video I haven’t been able to find online in almost 20 years:
“If you want to have control over your art: Keep it to yourself. Keep it in your home. Don’t show it to people.”
As Dawkins theorized with memetics, when an idea is accepted into a new mind, the idea propagates and changes as it moves between people. Once that idea has been ingested by someone else’s mind, you can’t take it out of their mind again. They are already generating new ideas based on the meme of your art, thought, ideas. Copying each other is literally just how human communication works, and all this work to lay claim over it is at the very best superfluous and at the very worst a gross instinct of domination and control as opposed to sharing.
Creative Commons doesn’t even offer the license that Negativland helped develop anymore.
Am I giving up my rights or am I living in the actual real world of how real human communication actually works? If I wanted control over these ideas, I wouldn’t bother sharing them.
So the TL;DR of your reply is, that it’s okay to plagerise, that Humanity needs Corporations to do so to thrive. Gotcha.
For the record, and to repeat myself again, my license allows open-source/nonprofit usage of my comments by Humanity to train their LLMs.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Thanks for the purposeful misreading and at no point making an attempt to engage with a different set of ideas. We’re done here and I will be shitting on you and your stupid fucking license vociferously from here on out because you’re an arrogant egotistical asshole.
Hard disagree. And I stand by what I’ve said.
It would probably be easier (and more mature) to just use the block functionality, but you do you, I guess. 🤷♂️
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
You can hard disagree all you want, you literally dismissed the ideas without even considering them, but sure, you do you too, buddy.
Thats not true. I stand by what I’ve said.
At this point we’ve derailed the original purpose of this post enough, maybe we both just move on. It’s obvious we won’t agree on the matter.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
The only person derailing at this point is the person who refuses to engage with other ideas and just repeats “I stand by what I said.”
You obviously did not make any attempt to understand Debord’s quote at all if all you took from it is “plagiarism is okay.” Maybe pick up a fucking book sometime, dude.
Reading their arguments for that silly disclaimer, and their purposeful disregard for any of the points you’re making… Your clown analogy is extremely on-point.