Hahahaha you know they won’t it’s a fucking cult
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
Hahahaha you know they won’t it’s a fucking cult
It’s not an if it’s a when.
Uh oh.
Vangelis, enough said.
Wouldn’t whether they produce the vaccines themselves have little or nothing to do with how many they have ordered and stockpiled for their populace? I would think that they would have a significant stock of imported vaccines.
Exactly. The point of all the forever wars and having the CIA overthrow legitimate governments was all in service of bread and circuses.
Even ostensibly “liberal” people are still sucked way more into their personal lives and their “dreams” than they are what is actually happening. I said to my mother recently that she has been “playing house” while the country has been falling apart around her for decades and that all she “did for her kids” was for nothing because she never stepped up to make sure the country didn’t fall apart, thinking that as long as she made enough money and got her kids a good enough education it would “save them.” She spent her life making me feel like her stupid fucking six-bedroom house with a pool that she lived in alone was more important than my life, especially with how much she bitched at me to get a job, any job, any time I was struggling, including when I got fucking cancer. I pointed out that she herself could have been in a much better financial position if instead of selfishly living in it alone she could have been renting out rooms or the whole damn basement to others at reasonable prices and helping alleviate the homeless problem instead patting herself on the back for giving a homeless person ten bucks. All I got were excuses and explanations and no accepting that maybe, just maybe, she could have been more involved in politics or more compassionate in opening up her home. She even balked at the idea of me suggesting that she ought to be getting ready to Anne Frank this shit and prepare the house to house people who need to hide from Trump’s fucking goons. I said cool, so you’ll be remembered as a Nazi because you’re complicit in being too fucking selfish to share your house with people who literally might be murdered or deported. Your ass would have kicked Anne Frank and her family into the street. Needless to say, whole conversation did not go well. The boomers were so privileged and coddled that they literally got to achieve their dreams while choosing to ignore things like politics entirely. Making sacrifices of their dreams for others is literally not in their interpersonal vocabulary.
These people are out of touch and fuck-nothing is going to wake them up. It’s going to take fascists on their doorstep coming for them and by then it’s way way too fucking late.
Oh wait, I guess this is why trade wars can be bad:
Texas: “Hey Canada, can us Texans get a few more of them measles vaccines.”
Canada: “All y’all can go fuck yourselves.”
Isn’t it canon in some of the comic books that Gotham is legitimately cursed and it doesn’t matter how much charity and good works Wayne does, it’s just always going to be bad?
Yeah, Trump has been known to do that. Columbia got what they asked for.
Anyone who capitulates and thinks they’re saving themselves will get the same treatment.
You’re showing a prolific abuser that you are weak and willing to submit, and an abuser will take advantage of that weakness. They will never turn around and treat you better because you complied.
The abuse is the point. Trump will always find an excuse.
Micturate upon the malevolent
Lemmy users reading this:
The real boring dystopia is the friends warnings and bans we accumulated along the way
Can’t stop won’t stop.
It implies that that’s a quality you should be judging people on, even if their looks have no bearing on the situation.
That certainly shouldn’t be how it is, but there’s a lot of evidence to support that it is how it is. Just because we don’t like it being that way doesn’t mean it doesn’t impact people’s perceptions.
Forbes article about the phenomenon:
Harvard study about the “Beauty Premium”:
Beauty and the Labor Market (1994), referenced by the Harvard study:
To quote Eddie Izzard from her special Dress to Kill:
He has a podcast, seems pretty good.
The university team defined “mass shooting” as a gun-related crime in which four or more people were shot in a public space.
The University of Colorado researchers defined “physically present” as “in the immediate vicinity of where the shooting occurred at the time it occurred, such that bullets were fired in your direction, you could see the shooter, or you could hear the gunfire”.
I’m sure somewhere in the questionnaire the definitions of mass shooting and physically present were presented to respondents, but once again, lying or misunderstanding the question is definitely a possibility.
This isn’t fucking cryptic at all now, is it?? Our media is such a shitshow.
Everybody knows what this is fucking for, and that’s even more obvious since Trump flipped the fuck out on the media for reporting it and made a weak ass excuse that it was merely thanks for being swearing Trump in on inauguration day… as if that’s not something that would be done anyway and doesn’t necessarily need a “thanks.”
and if it did happen, you deserved it is their go-to.