Compared to damned near every company they may as well be, seriously imagine if fucking EA owned Steam. Ill take the neutral evil which just wants my money and giving me a decent product over the one actively trying to kick me in the balls as well.
Compared to damned near every company they may as well be, seriously imagine if fucking EA owned Steam. Ill take the neutral evil which just wants my money and giving me a decent product over the one actively trying to kick me in the balls as well.
Given the fact that they basically make infinite money so long as they don’t fuck it up id say they are very much content. They have a golden goose why would they slaughter it.
If it’s the type of thing I think it is then it’s a blatant propaganda book aimed at children but ends up being consumed almost exclusively by adults, because the kids want nothing to do with it and would rather just play Fortnight.
Is Blòt acceptable?
We have a lot of land in the US that is a pain in the ass to get to, would be harder to set up but I could see some spiteful folks setting up something in the remote asshole of the mountain ranges. Would also be a lot harder to follow them if they pissed off as well.
Agreed though most of it comes from the increased federalism centralization over the last 150 years or so, if we could do something as simple as cut off trade or otherwise demand concessions for trade to flow I can almost guarantee that the red states would learn to play nice. Either that or ban their pathetic politicians from stepping foot in blue states.
Also it may for them to become more functional over all, when fucking Idaho is one of the more functional and economically balanced red states ya done fucked up.
The brutality of crucification is something oft forgotten to modern men, when the corpse rots and falls and the ravens sit fattened is when it the decicated remains should be disposed of for in utilitarian brutality romance is stripped.
Or we all go insane and you motherfuckers follow me into the madness of the Allfather. Either way I suspect that there will be an increase in stabbing instances, I win either way.
Yeah but at least some of them were tolerable historically, id happily trade Jerry Falwell jr for old John Brown.
The remote charge from Red Faction, cant remember the exact name but it was great for embracing my want to dig around and cause chaos.
If France helps the East Coast secede from yet another empire I’m gonna laugh my ass off. Us Californians did it to Mexico once we can sure as shit so it to America.
State currencies are ideally based off of the economy as a whole, failing that then ya use strategic resources such as oil, metals, or even farmland if you produce enough agricultural output. While state currencies and their modern backings are esoteric due to the sheer fucking scale of it all cryptocurrency is esoteric in the same way stocks are, the average person doesn’t understand it and there’s a solid chance most folks when they do gain a vague understanding realize it’s stupid esoteric bullshit with undue influence.
Depends what land you have, if you are more reliant on feed then you will be at the mercy of feed prices which can vary. If you have enough secured land then it can be practically free. Also Coyotes are assholes.
My money is on Rubio, I don’t think musk could shoot straight. That or he’d bring some novelty large caliber revolver and break his arm upon firing.
Personally I’m more of a fan of nails and a big T.
I know you jest but I will note that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence, if you say something abhorrent enough and I decide that you in fact are a threat that deserves to be gutted then I am in my right to take said action and face said consequences myself.
Elden Ring better classified as an action RPG, to use an analog its more akin to PnP dungeon crawlers in how it approaches its RPG elements. While say Baldurs Gate 3 is closer to an extended campaign PnP game. They are both RPGs but that’s such a broad grouping so as to be meaningful, an atlatl and a welding torch are both tools but there’s no meaningful overlap.
Only usable for federal highways, shit could still be banned by the DMVs or equivalents which would basically be a death knell for it.
It is and if he loses that wealth I’m pretty sure he is getting kicked to the street. He has no other skills that aren’t readily available by folks who aren’t utterly unstable drug addled dipshits.
Nobody is forcing you to pay for the loot boxes, hell nobody is forcing you to play the games with them. You could play literally nothing but Rimworld, Baldurs Gate 3, and Crusader Kings 3 without ever looking at their live service shit. Regardless even on that front Valve is still better than most.
Also I don’t see profits off of gambling as immoral, I see it as stupid and weak willed by those who participate but not immoral.