I can’t explain, no, because I don’t understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as “the Fediverse chick.” I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it’s targeting more active users. If you’re a frequent commenter, you’ll probably get one eventually, too.
What is a TFSA?
It actually is thirty years old! At least according to DDG, it came out in 1995.
I missed out on a lot of classic media; my parents were anti TV, so the only shows I was allowed to watch were FRIENDS, Seinfeld and Simpsons, primarily because that’s what my parents watched. Eventually I was allowed to choose two weekly TV shows of my own to watch every week (I went with Power Rangers and Batman: TAS). Even more eventually, my brother and I were allowed to select one movie per week from the local VHS rental store to watch with our dad (and we alternated which of us picked) (potentially interesting given this thread: the original Dune movie was one of those I picked, but it took us two nights to finish because it was so long). The first movie I saw in theater was Lion King for a birthday. (I remember being so fascinated that I watched a good portion of it upside down because I was trying to figure out how the projector worked, so I was craning my head over backwards.)
Anyway, I would have been too young to watch a movie like Se7en in theater at the time of release; I think I saw it in or around 2008 which, IIRC, was also the first time I had a PB&J sandwich.
After writing this comment, I’m starting to think I might have been sheltered.
Reminiscent of this weatherman. I bet you know the clip without clicking on the link.
I never played them, but I’ve seen a few YouTubers play the games. They look pretty fun as well.
There was a show?!
edit: Actually read the post. TIL there was a show. Nice.
May you live in interesting times.
I recently had to submit some PII to my employer. The person requesting that information invited me to a video meeting so that the information wouldn’t easily be accessible on record.
I’ve been working in this field for around fifteen years. This was the first time someone in charge of handling my information has even pretended to care about it.
Ah. My original reference was to Se7en:
(Warning, spoilers for a thirty year old movie)
My second reference was to a Three Days Grace song:
(Warning, song from … Maybe fifteen years ago?)
“Fresh” might be a stretch.
They should.
The brain is “plastic” when you’re young, we like to say. That is, it’s pliable and can mold into whatever shape it needs to in order to adapt to your environment. That plasticity disappears once you get older
So it’s good that we’re getting microplastics in our brains because it allows easier development as we age!
My advisor liked to joke that I was cursed.
It didn’t have quite the same level of personal impact, but I used to associate with a geologist who said something similar about me and geodes.
I’ve wondered in the past why, for example, 1000 kilometers are still referred to as kilometers.
So Sideshow Bob might have been innocent?
Perhaps you suffer from trypophobia.
I don’t know much about French history, but I’ve always wondered why oppressors would choose to oppress in a country known for actively overthrowing oppressors.
Probably just for the memes.
I like this take! I looked it up, though, and apparently it’s “tax free savings account.”