Or Mario rgp
Or Mario rgp
Maybe “cuter” kids would sound less sexual.
Why did he ask? Did anyone else stay late?
I have to record 40 hours on my time sheet to bill clients and show where my time goes. 2 weeks recently I only clocked 36 and 37. Haven’t seen the fallout for it yet, new rule started Jan 1st we have to put 40 or we’ll get in trouble.
Well this past week I’m up to 50+, it’s been so good damn busy. So if I get in trouble, I will stop working at 40 going forward. I’ll get my time in and boom, phone will go to voicemail rest of the week. Waiting to see how this plays out.
He lies constantly to stir up shit with his base and enemies, something for us plebs to “discuss/argue about” while they distract from the grift. It’s part of the game to play the victim.
Our leadership is less than dog shit.
He says dumbass shit like this, then wonders why his Nazi salute was called a Nazi salute and not whatever excuse he gave.
Same shit for Trump, talks shit, then cries when someone points out he’s a fucking racist, rapist hypocrite.
That’s… The joke…?
Die because they can’t shit!
Dog we rescued, I bonded with almost immediately. Gf did not, woke up to only her shoes getting ripped apart a few times, a pair of birks included. Dog won’t touch my stuff lol.
And Lysol, some sort of disinfectant. I don’t believe simple green will disinfect, its only an all purpose cleaner, won’t kill bacteria to kill the funk.
Lysol works well on regular sneakers too, kills the bacteria in sweat creating the funk.
It’s fascist ploy to make friends fight over shit that probably doesn’t exist from the start. We’re all being played.
Our allies do!!?? /s
Have to chop from the inside like guardians of the galaxy
No chance he’ll ever get rid of them if he stays, the other people may not treat their portion and they’ll be back.
There are also free apps and YouTube videos of sleep noise if you’ve got a speaker or earbuds to help drown it out. Can download the audio with youtubetomp3 searching and not use bandwidth repeatedly each time.
Not that high. 30 pack the other day was $12.
I’m worried their networking equipment could be compromised, worse than “American” equipment.
I love how our convicted rapist president calls immigrants rapists LOL
I got a “warning” for replying to someone joking “maybe it’s your fault for breathing lol”. Wouldn’t even tell me what I did, the whole thread was a joke, not serious at all.
Best one I got is c. ries, cries@company.com lol
Scream 3
Django unchained
American pie
Spiderman into the spider verse