wie gesagt. realistisch
sounds like the people owning these ‘farms’ actively try their hardest with all their might to be as evil as possible
was ist realistisch die Alternative? ob Neuwahlen so in ihrem Interesse sind, weiß ich nicht
ever since germany privatised rail (and post) while remaining mayority shareholder it has become ultra shit.
quality and reliability has gone down extremely over the years. efforts to mitigate the damage done thanks to neglect probably cost much more than proper maintenence would have cost them. those efforts are paid for by the state ofc.
deutsche bahn is so unreliable, neighbouring states have to cope with them disrupting their own schedules. if anything its reliably unreliable
but you already have a shitty underfunded rail system, so not much change there. the post office on the other hand will be heavily noticeable
i need that screen setup
one in the front and 8 behind
piss all over your bathroom just so you don’t have to sit down. manly
come on, don’t be anal about it