Silly? Oh… oh, no… I am doomed. 😭
formerly /u/squirrelrampage on Reddit
Silly? Oh… oh, no… I am doomed. 😭
Dammit! I will never be girlfriend material. I have too many thoughts in my head and I can’t stop them. ☹️
Nonono, you do not take her out to dinner. You make her dinner yourself, because home cooking is the best and she deserves it.
Inside every 80-year-old is a confused 18-year-old who does not understand how they got there.
That is a very cute story and you are a good parent.
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
The first version of the treaty was signed in 2018, a revised version was signed in 2019. The second one is probably where the photo is from.