Original comic by J. L Westover AKA Mr. Lovenstein
The follow-up comic is here.
Description: A three panel comic. A bunny and a bear are having a picknick. The bear asks the bunny: “Do you have a crush on anyone?” The bunny thinks to itself: “You. It’s you. I want you so fucking bad it physically hurts me. I’m crushing so hard I want to… [the remainder of the text is obscured]” The bunny finally says to the bear: “Not really.”
This reminds me of my daughter when she was in highschool. She’s 23 now.
I picked her up day and she seemed frustrated.
I asked what was wrong.
She said “Zach (her best friend) said he had a crush on someone”
Me: and you’re jealous?
Her: no! I don’t care! He can have a crush on whoever he wants. He won’t even tell me her name. He just said it starts with an R and has 6 letters!
Me: Racheal … It’s you… And he clearly doesn’t know how to spell your name. He has a crush on you.
Her: OMG!
Me: go ahead. I’ll wait here
And she rushes out of the car to go talk to him.
That is a very cute story and you are a good parent.
Damn, you spoiled the ending! You’re supposed to let them figure it out in the shower 10 years too late like everyone else!
I miss feeling this way about people.
Really? I don’t think I do, shit was painful yo.