DB would be an improvement.
I take my shitposts very seriously.
DB would be an improvement.
What’s your guess?
ADS-B can be disabled (not unexected for military aircraft) or made private at the request of governments.
It doesn’t work on Wayland. We need to go back.
You wrote an SQL statement?
Just off the top of my head:
State-sponsored higher education that is later paid back through taxes. Free healthcare, also paid for by taxes, and affordable medicine. Decent mass transit, although railways are a disgrace. Labour laws. Paid sick leave and mandatory minimum vacation days. Paid maternity leave, and tax breaks for new mothers.
PM is a Russian asset, but still better than Trump.
There’s only one other that could trump it.
So your entire spiel is based on one interaction, extrapolated by… what, vibes? Feelings? Aren’t we supposed to be the objective and rational ones?
I worded that poorly. The “you” was plural (I want the singular “thou” back) and meant to refer to the people who are losing their shit, not any one individual.
(edit) I also just want to point out that accusing me of being a sexist sympathizer and two hours later posting this shit is real funny.
Depends on the location. House in a European-style suburb (grid streets, mixed-use zoning, good public transit) over apartment, but anything in an American-style suburb (long, winding streets, car-centric, Euclidean zoning) is an instant deal breaker.
I stopped watching TV when my favourite channel lost access to several shows and turned into a TBBT re-run channel. Four. Fucking. Episodes. Every day. The series looped about once every two months.
People are losing their shit, calling for boycotts, and throwing around accusations of transphobia over comments in the source code and a single line of documentation? Seriously? And brigading the developer three years after the fact‽ I was ready to write off Ladybird, but damn, this was taken way out of proportion.
I’m all in for equal treatment, but people need to get a perspective. Such an extreme reaction will ultimately hurt the cause they’re trying to advocate for. Getting bent out of shape and publicly brigading something for every perceived slight, every time someone’s feelings are hurt, or can’t get their way, will get them – and the demographic or movement they represent – labelled as undesirable.
Locking the thread before it gets worse. This is not the place to level potentially defamatory accusations against a person. Take that shit back to twitter.
I’m a sysadmin at a university. Fortunately we never used Adobe, and recently ditched Autodesk and Unity for Blender and Godot. Still on Windows, but I’ll take what I can get.
This bacterium gives me the sniffles. This other bacterium liquefies and eats my muscles. But if I don’t have enough of this other bacterium in me, I get violent explosive shits??
Yes, it runs flawlessly. It was the first game that was made to run on DXVK.
And yes, the Year Age Of The Linux Desktop is already here. Unless you have to use Adobe products, or play a game with some incompatible anti-cheat trojan, there are very few barriers to switching to Linux full-time.
I wish I had saved the one about a CGI artist scanning his ballsacks to texture an alien.
The European mind can’t comprehend.
About ten years ago I met a group of American exchange students at some high school event. The city (in Europe obviously) had* the most incompetent, mismanaged, underdeveloped, dysfunctional public transit system I had ever seen… and the Americans had nothing but praise and adoration for it. I couldn’t understand why, until I stumbled across Not Just Bikes and learned how fucking dire the situation is over there. The transit system is still the same, maybe worse, but this new perspective gave me a measure of appreciation. We’re not quite as fucked.
As Lord Guilliman would’ve wanted.
The article (at least the free segment, rest is paywalled) just summarizes the movement. It’s not an indication of the movement’s popularity, just a low effort copycat article.
My translation (focusing on accuracy of the content instead of writing quality):
The rest is paywalled and I haven’t found an archived version.